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Artist Name

Johnathan Hoogeveen




Eliot, United States




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About Johnathan Hoogeveen

Hi, my name is Johnathan Hoogeveen, and I am in college (1st semester this year) for IST and Programming. I live in Eliot, Maine but I'm moving soon to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I don't work from models, pictures or figures either - I work all from memory and creativity. Recreating life is not my thing, but expressing my mind externally and permanently like this is. Also, I can only draw using my laptop touchpad, so it's tough work. I'm working on that though. I'm getting a tablet soon, and I can't wait! Well, I mean the drawing seriously. The world is going downhill, and if my generation can recognize that, then we can save it. I pray that the infernal feuding that encases the Earth in hate, fear, insanity and restlessness will cease. I want to make clear as well that I have no real religion, so I pray not to one God or all Gods, but to Mother Earth and everything. It's more of a spirituality, I just pray to everything that we can save ourselves and each other. Selflessness is a virtue I cherish deeply. If everyone helps each other, they barely have to worry about themselves. Let go and love all.

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The Future Is Bleak

Wars need to end. Countries need to stop fighting. Money can't reign. The US isn't the king of the world, and never will be. Have you ever heard of an empire that lasted? Pray peace will break out.
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 557534 Jenna Kass
Wed 17th Jan, 2007
Thanks for the comment. The staring eye and the tear are so grabbing - and you have a good message.
Image 607208 S€an Z4ky
Fri 22nd Dec, 2006
Thanks for the comment!
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Mon 18th Dec, 2006
I agree with some of what you have to say, but can't believe the future is bleak. Part of bleak's meaning is "without hope" - We can't give up, ok? :)
Image 586382 Mertol Shahin
Sat 16th Dec, 2006
u - the young americans are the people to change this
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