Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Diana Bugeja




sydney, Australia




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About Diana Bugeja

One person in this big world. Who wishes for better things. Likes to dream and wish.

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work in progress

I intend to spend more time on this.... to make it a more worthy work ..thankyou world, your patience is much appreciated
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 592855 Yuroki Takeshima
Sun 29th Jul, 2007
nice work!!
Image 579998 Jason Teo
Mon 2nd Jul, 2007
Image 419974 Riekkie R
Sat 27th Jan, 2007
Great work Diana
Image 530381 Alexandra Nys
Sun 26th Nov, 2006
Way cool! I love this stylized stuff. GO AUSTRALIA!!!
Image 570381 Doddy Ali wijaya
Mon 20th Nov, 2006
its great, its like you know where to start,..
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