Million Masterpiece
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Artist Name

Alex Yao




Portland, United States




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About Alex Yao

Student. Soon to be The Master. ;D

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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 639207 Lubos Bakyta
Fri 19th Feb, 2010
Very nice ....
Image 519130 Samuel Tovmasian
Sat 19th May, 2007
ooh i think this is futurama. right?
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 28th Apr, 2007
Wonderful! -Jason
Image 551118 Laura Schrampfer
Thu 26th Apr, 2007
Image 584819 Samuel Tovmasian
Sat 14th Apr, 2007
haahahahahhahhahahahhhhahahahahahhahaha omg... isnt this form a tv show?
Image 471282 Amber Kowalczyk
Wed 4th Apr, 2007
Image 400838 Sarah Farnsworth
Wed 21st Feb, 2007
Sweet drawing. That is soo cool. Thanks for sharing your skills with all.
Image 584745 Monika Hamrol
Sun 18th Feb, 2007
Aww so cute little monster! I wanna keep him in my home xD
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