Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries

Artist Name

Rui Agnelo




Coimbra, Portugal




1 View gallery

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About Rui Agnelo

I am from Coimbra, a city in Portugal and i joined the million masterpiece to give my contribution to this great project. You can visit me at my deviantart gallery, anytime.

Contact Information

None available.

More about Rui Agnelo

Occupation: Student

My favourite pictures

Katherine M
London, GB

Peno Mishoyan
Aleppo, SY

Sarah Edwards
Harpenden, GB

Jo Vickers
Liverpool, GB

Mitico Meschino
grottaglie, IT

Emi Christodoulou

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Journey to end of the world

Will it ever end?
Tags : landscape world journey sky desert
vote downvote up 8community votes

Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 1000058 Mahewa
Wed 11th Mar, 2009
So seemingly simple, yet so lovely. The muted color scheme works amazingly. Great job!
Image 554361 Hallie Stiller
Thu 19th Jun, 2008
Beautiful colors and composition
Image 429543 Ruth Malcolm
Mon 16th Jun, 2008
*votes* This is gorgeous!
Image 519184 Rosa Campbell
Fri 9th May, 2008
I really love this square - it's so beautiful and the composition and colours are excellent. *votes*
Image 407201 Peno Mishoyan
Thu 8th May, 2008
thank you!
Image 575253 Sarah Edwards
Thu 8th May, 2008
Beautiful! Your other drawings are really good as well, especially the tone in the robot one
Image 1003062 zeud
Thu 8th May, 2008
Image 562480 Mitico Meschino
Wed 7th May, 2008
Very distressing...but well done...great idea...+1 for it...bye...
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