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Artist Name

Wilf Swann




Falmouth, United Kingdom




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About Wilf Swann

Level 1 Graphic Design student at University College Falmouth

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infinity on high
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 527139 Cat A
Thu 12th Jul, 2007
Image 1000083 Adina
Thu 28th Jun, 2007
You reminded me a movie I saw. Something with bracelets with the infinity sign on them. Nice! ;)
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 28th Apr, 2007
Just stopping by to say hello! -Jason
Image 466324 Laura Casalegno
Mon 22nd Jan, 2007
Image 503262 Tom Vickers
Thu 18th Jan, 2007
Double looping is his sign, the fifth for whom the other pine. Ride on, ride on, till hope is gone, when the four are ended their battle won. To you it's really all the same, Oh horseman riding, with no name... And out from him infinity shines, like a burning gold dart, in the famine and fire and judgement and heart... of the matter.
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