My linksDon't have one.About Alan McGuigani am Alan, I live in Uddingston Glasgow and Im just starting to learn to paint digitally,I normally paint with soft pastels so this is totally new for me,ambition is to see my grandson grow up Liam is 3yrs old just now and has a new wee brother Adam born on the 10th AprilContact InformationNone available.More about Alan McGuiganInterests and Hobbies: Hillwalking, painting with soft pastels, genealogyArtists: Boris Vallejo, Caravaggio,Peter Howson Music: Bon Jovi,Pink, Elton John, The Dubliners, The Corries Movies: Rocky Horror Picture Show, Star Wars Trilogy Books and Writers: Dan Brown Personal Quote: If it is for you it won't go by you. My favourite pictures
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