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Artist Name

Paulina Franco




Santa Clarita, United States




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About Paulina Franco

i think that even though we're living a life that will eventually end and it may seem like it's almost pointless and that you will lose anything anyway there is still a point. Your point is to set an example for the next generation whether it's "good" or "bad". the point of life is creating an environment that you like for other people to agree or disagree with but contributing or changing their perspective.An epiphony.Yout perspective could save their world or destroy it.

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Open Your Mind

step out of the box and into a spiral
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Tue 13th Feb, 2007
Wow! Shades of Escher. Like it! Agree absolutely that we should all think 'outside the box'.
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Mon 25th Dec, 2006
very cool design :)
Image 442428 Douglas Parsell
Tue 28th Nov, 2006
Abstract Ness. Wootness to the minimum.
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