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Posted on 13-10-2006 16:58
What are the views of the forum about using squares to advertise products or services?

At the time of writing this there are a handful of squares that contain nothing other than an ad for a product or a website. There is already suitable provision to post a weblink without using the square to also do so.

Whilst I feel that contributors should be able to fill their squares without the fear of artistic censorship I also feel that such advertising is cynical and does nothing for the aim of the project as a whole.

I am not sure if deleting such ad squares would be the right thing to do but I would hate to see the OMM hijacked by those who would see it as a bit of cheap marketing rather than the creative and worthwhile opportunity that the project is currently aiming for.

Does anyone else have any thoughts about this?

Edited by P H on 13-10-2006 17:43
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AuthorRE: advertising
Paul Fisher
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Posted on 13-10-2006 17:02
My own opinion is that we live in an advertising driven society, and so I think these squares are just a reflection of that. If we are trying to paint a picture of global society, then adverts should be represented.

I am aware however that this point of view could be used about almost anything!

Any other opinions guys??
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AuthorRE: advertising
Jamie Thompson

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Posted on 13-10-2006 17:18
rid the world of advertising!!

(please visit my site)


i hate people who do things like that, though to begin with it was an ideasmiley though i thought it isnt what the project is about, this is about helping others, not yourselves!

rid the world of advertising!!
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AuthorRE: advertising
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Posted on 13-10-2006 17:40
I agree that if the aim of the project is to represent a global viewpoint then anything that anyone contributes is valid.

However, I feel that there is some distinction between artistic contribution and advertising. I would be somewhat dismayed to find my contribution in the midst of web URLs and company logos and branding when the project is completed and exhibited.

I agree that advertising is part of global society, and prevails amongst the images we see everyday. Advertising as a subject is interesting and there are already contributions that reflect this. The 'easyBully' square is one that springs to mind right now. Direct marketing, however, is self serving and, I feel, contributes to such projects as this in a cynical way.

As I mentioned above, I would be dismayed to see more advertising on the OMM, and from the perspective of a potential contributor I would be put off if I saw a significant amount of advertising already here.

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AuthorRE: advertising
Richard H

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Posted on 13-10-2006 17:57
I only posted the link to my dA in my picture comment so they can compare it to my other picture which I based it on.

Yeah, I don't really be wanting to buy a picture with "COME TO MY WWW.SHACKLORD.COM in the middle of it =/
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AuthorRE: advertising
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Posted on 13-10-2006 18:05
Richard Martyn Hunt wrote:
I only posted the link to my dA in my picture comment so they can compare it to my other picture which I based it on.

Yes, the link within a contributors profile is sufficient, and works well allowing others to see more of your art. The contribution you have made is great and entices others to see more. This is not direct advertising such as I objected to above. smiley And you are right, I don't think anybody making an artistic contribution would be happy with a square full of URL smiley
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AuthorRE: advertising
Paul Fisher
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Posted on 13-10-2006 19:37
I think that the current balance is quite good - as for the most part people are drawing some interesting things and the artistic content is pretty high. Hopefully this ratio will continue. We definately don't want the picture being hijacked however, so let's all keep a close eye on it.
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AuthorRE: advertising
Ricardo Bolio

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Posted on 15-10-2006 23:26
kill advertisment =D ahahaha
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AuthorRE: advertising
Heidi F

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Posted on 11-12-2006 08:55
As already said, lke it or not, advertising is part of our world. Its also part and parcel of art and design - look at logos for example. Not that Id wanna see every square filled with a url, but if you look at the way that url is portrayed, in many cases it is quite artistically delivered. In the end its a snapshot of our global community - a a time capsule if you will. In that sense I think the adverts contibute an important role in this piece.
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AuthorRE: advertising
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Posted on 11-12-2006 10:58
Heidi F wrote:
As already said, lke it or not, advertising is part of our world. Its also part and parcel of art and design - look at logos for example. Not that Id wanna see every square filled with a url, but if you look at the way that url is portrayed, in many cases it is quite artistically delivered. In the end its a snapshot of our global community - a a time capsule if you will. In that sense I think the adverts contibute an important role in this piece.

I agree that branding and advertising are part of our society, and I can also see that there is a process of creativity that is partner to it.

I am not advocating that advertising should not be portrayed on the OMM by those who feel that such images have merit, or have a message about branding in society, or would add something that they, themselves have created. What I object to is the cynical way that worthwhile projects such as the OMM are targeted by business as a way to further their own agenda. I am sure that the project will appear on the radar of many companies when they learn about the popularity of the OMM, the high esteem in which the project is held, and the publicity that it freely created by the cause. So is the OMM an opportunity for a million artists to contribute something to an artistic endeavour that will hopefully make a positive change in the world, or is it somewhere that somewhere short of a million artists can contribute their efforts amongst billboards of company logos?

I think that there is already ample provision for advertising space in society and yet it has encroached into anything and everything popular. The OMM already has space for advertisers on the website and I am sure some kind of sponsorship will also be visible at the exhibition. And I think that so far such advertisers share the goal of the project, and do not detract from it's progress.

I think most advertisers know that by simply promoting their logo, address, url etc without linking it so something useful, interesting or creative will generally not be very effective. So I think that such prospective advertisers would mostly want to contribute something worthwhile in their square to accompany their ad, but only mostly.

There seems to be a really good bias in favour of well intentioned artists so far in the project, which is encouraging not only for those who have already contributed, but for those checking out the OMM for the first time. If I was a first time visitor I would be dissuaded from making a contribution if I thought the OMM was a platform for advertising space after the style of Alex Tew's million pixel website smiley


Edited by P H on 11-12-2006 11:11
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AuthorRE: advertising
Alex Holt

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Posted on 11-12-2006 23:45
As it stands, I think advertisments are in such a minority that it isn't really a problem. What I would suggest however is that if there is a huge influx of 'commercial contributors' prehaps a second website just for advertisments could be created to host them. After all, the money is going to charity, so all the money gained is good, its just in this instance it isn't relevant to the concept of the site if disproportionatly represented.

Edited by Alex Holt on 11-12-2006 23:46
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AuthorRE: advertising
Heidi F

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Posted on 13-12-2006 14:07
Pip Hignett wrote:
There seems to be a really good bias in favour of well intentioned artists so far in the project, which is encouraging not only for those who have already contributed, but for those checking out the OMM for the first time. If I was a first time visitor I would be dissuaded from making a contribution if I thought the OMM was a platform for advertising space after the style of Alex Tew's million pixel website smiley

Ive never seen that website before. How Gaudy! How Vain! How Great!What a fantastical pop-art portrayal of our time!

We are so lucky to live in an era at the peak of mass media and the internet ... often we take it for granted. Imagine how interesting and historically informative it would be to us, to have such a montage of advertsing from 100 years ago, as what is shown on the Million Dollar Homepage. I know that scrapbooks of antique label collections can fetch a pretty good price these days, for example.

But I agree, that is not what the OMM is about. I understand your concerns that some advertisers may try to take advantage of the OMM. But I think most people/businesses understand the concept of the project, and if such tackiness attempted to take over the "art" here, it would look poorly on the reputation of those who tried to do so. How to prevent it from happening? I dont know, given my views on representing society as it is today - in all its gaudy tackiness. I can even see the art in a can of Campbells soup. smiley

Edited by Heidi F on 13-12-2006 14:09
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AuthorRE: advertising
Lisa Stevens
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Posted on 13-12-2006 20:04
One-off advertsing dosen't worry me at all, and as mentioned above, it is a very big part of society at the moment. What would worry me however would be a large fast food chain or mobile phone company buying multiple squares for lots of the same logo.
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AuthorRE: advertising
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Posted on 13-12-2006 21:28
Lisa Stevens wrote:
What would worry me however would be a large fast food chain or mobile phone company buying multiple squares for lots of the same logo.

This is what also worries me, Lisa.

Although I am sure that most people would see such an endeavour for the crass stunt it would be, I wouldn't bet against some marketing exec putting such an idea forward at their next strategy meeting smiley.

Product placement in the arts is rife. Of course, the most popular mediums are the ones that are targetted (James Bond drives the car of the highest bidder). And in literature, Fay Weldon's deal with Bulgari springs to mind. The key is popularity.

But these examples, I think, are more like commercial partnerships than art, and probably work well for their industries. I am just worried that the £3.50 donation could be seen as a backdoor entry into a popular project and a cheap way to peddle a brand.

If such a thing did happen I think it would have a pernicious effect on the long-term future of this, and similar types of projects.

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AuthorRE: advertising
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Posted on 13-12-2006 21:56
Heidi F wrote:
Ive never seen that website before. How Gaudy! How Vain! How Great!What a fantastical pop-art portrayal of our time!

We are so lucky to live in an era at the peak of mass media and the internet ... often we take it for granted. Imagine how interesting and historically informative it would be to us, to have such a montage of advertsing from 100 years ago, as what is shown on the Million Dollar Homepage

This is a concession that I would make in my opinion on advertising, but only if the primary goal of this project was to be a record of societal concerns and opinions.

Such a record will be an interesting achievement but I think that it is secondary to the twin goals of making a big donation to charities and smashing the world record for a collaborative work of art. These, I feel, are the driving aims.

With a million contributions nearly every possible view and motivation will have it's own sqaure (advertising included), I am just voicing my concern that an un-natural bias could be bought to promote the goal of an external entity contrary to the goal of the OMM.

Although I have identified business as a most likely source, it could feasibly be any group with an agenda, ie a political party or even a particularly determined group of deviant artists ( only joking smiley )
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AuthorRE: advertising
Alex Holt

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Posted on 15-12-2006 01:47
I think the main thing that bugs me about advertising on here is that art is supposed to be an individual thing, and I dislike the concept of corporations - they get treated as if they are people but they are not. Besides, ifs its just a piece of advertising or propoganda it doesnt really show an individual artists views, but rather the views of a collective enterpretted by an artist. But like I saw, as long as they remain in te minority I dont mind.
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AuthorRE: advertising
Paul Fisher
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Posted on 15-12-2006 09:43
Pip Hignett wrote:
Although I have identified business as a most likely source, it could feasibly be any group with an agenda

A few weeks back we saw a wave of nazi swastikas hit the site after a nazi website posted our link. The way that we deal with these instances is very clear. If each individual account cannot be verified as a single individual person, then it is deemed a duplicate and can be removed. This is a necessary requirement from Guinness World Records and is why we ask for postal codes and collect other specific data. In this instance all of the accounts (except one) contained fictitious information and were deleted as quickly as they were being posted. The one single image that we could verify was left, and can still be found as a representation of a sadder aspect of our society.

This approach will work in the main, however if a large group decided to mobilise themselves we could be facing something rather different - something very difficult to plan for until it happens. I'd hope that should a situation occur, we would, as a community, find a solution.
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AuthorRE: advertising
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Posted on 15-12-2006 10:27
Paul Fisher wrote:

A few weeks back we saw a wave of nazi swastikas hit the site after a nazi website posted our link. The way that we deal with these instances is very clear. If each individual account cannot be verified as a single individual person, then it is deemed a duplicate and can be removed. This is a necessary requirement from Guinness World Records and is why we ask for postal codes and collect other specific data. In this instance all of the accounts (except one) contained fictitious information and were deleted as quickly as they were being posted. The one single image that we could verify was left, and can still be found as a representation of a sadder aspect of our society.

This approach will work in the main, however if a large group decided to mobilise themselves we could be facing something rather different - something very difficult to plan for until it happens. I'd hope that should a situation occur, we would, as a community, find a solution.

Good work repelling the hijackers. I didn't even notice the OMM had been targeted in this way.
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AuthorRE: advertising
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Posted on 03-02-2007 08:53
While advertising may be a way of explaining oneself to others, somply doing it for marketing purposes isn't art. Art is expression, even if people paint pictures just to sell them later for money, they are also creating pictures because they like it. If a person isn't creating images/art for expression or feeling, just for money, then they are manufacturers, not artists. This is an art website, not a commercial.
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AuthorRE: advertising
Ben W

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Posted on 14-02-2007 00:03
Well MAtt Fisher, who is the brother of Paul Fisher who you may know started all this, his image is that of Radio one. It appears to be an advertisement but it is also artistic. So that is my opinion.
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