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The One Million Masterpiece | The Greenroom | Art? What's that again?

AuthorArt? What's that again?
Lee Wallis
Super Administrator

Posts: 22
Joined: 26.06.06

Posted on 03-08-2006 13:24
I may be part of this project, but I know nothing about art. To me, art is something I did as a child - a pale blue crayon being my brush, and the living room wall being my canvas.

But hay - that's the fun of it. I'm going to keep changing my picture until it looks like a masterpiece. Although by then the project will be long finished... smiley

Edited by Lee Wallis on 03-08-2006 13:25
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AuthorRE: Ahhhhh . . .
J West
Super Administrator

Posts: 78
Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 04-08-2006 09:17
You are never too old or too young, for a bit o' art - whether it be the joy of finger painting, as mentioned earlier in the forum 'Is this Art?' or Da Vinci (aka Mona L in the lower part of the explosive spray of colourful squares).

At the end of the day one person's squiggle is another person's masterpiece. And we are all having fun, seeing new things appear, watching the progress of said squiggles in 'play', and noting changes and revisions on established artworks.

Tis gooooood.



(Smiley day off = BIG FAT SMILEY!!smiley)

Edited by J West on 04-08-2006 09:18
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Emma Duncan

Posts: 42
Joined: 16.07.06

Posted on 06-08-2006 19:45
It's so many different things for me. Sometimes it's a commission, other times a muse visits me and gives me a good idea, then sometimes I use it as an emotional release (I have this never ending canvas I've nicknamed Manic Depression and I work on it when I switch from happy to sad moods).

To me art is the ability to put those limitless possibilities in your mind into something, be it a canvas or a sculpture or anything. Really, it is something that any person can do.
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Jody Ricci

Posts: 5
Joined: 21.07.06

Posted on 09-08-2006 19:18
Art is everywhere for me, sometimes it can be something some one says, or the way the sun dapples thru a tree, it doesn't have to be on canvas, have you ever seen the way some people move? It's like poetry in motion. We need more of it and greater encouragement to include it in the must have list of our lives, it can relieve stress, it can give you energy, it can just make you smile or be happy. The thing i like best when creating art is not the end product but the fun I have while on the journey there!
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AuthorRE: Art: Something for everyone...
Donna Corless

Posts: 3
Joined: 09.08.06

Posted on 09-08-2006 20:49
There are so many different styles and tastes for art. People have so many different ways of expressing themselves. The important thing is just to create something. It might not be for everyone, but it is self expression.

I'll be posting my html code for this project on my company website on our page called Calls to Artists.

As other artists look for opportunities to participate in our online shows for different types of mediums and themes, they'll see the opportunity to participate in this project too. I hope that it brings in lots of new people to help complete this project.

I am happy to be a part of it.

Donna Corless
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Johanna Wattimena

Posts: 17
Joined: 26.09.06

Posted on 26-09-2006 18:23
art is... to do your best. that's art. the art of living and doing things.
for [visual art, music, performance art, etc] is the way you think of things, see things and then pour them into a medium. it's subjective...ppl see it differently. what matters is how you feel about them.smiley
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Alicia Thompson
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Posts: 215
Joined: 23.09.06

Posted on 26-09-2006 19:52
It's just expression smiley
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Seet Shiying

Posts: 22
Joined: 13.10.06

Posted on 26-10-2006 13:43
It's pure bliss to create something beautiful smiley
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Joseph Colicchio

Posts: 2
Joined: 14.10.06

Posted on 05-11-2006 05:23
I wrote on the wall too XP
I think art is what you want it to be. To some it may not be art, but what matters is what it is to you.
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Alex Holt

Posts: 77
Joined: 04.12.06

Posted on 10-12-2006 21:04
I've never really thought about it really....I suppose art is about.... getting the stuff in my head out so everyone can see it... Whether its an image, a story, an idea or whatever....if I couldnt draw (or write for that matter) I wouldnt feel like I could show my ideas.
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AuthorRE: Art? What's that again?
Steph Haase

Posts: 11
Joined: 06.12.06

Posted on 10-12-2006 22:18
To me, art is and always will be personal opinion. Art is whatever inspires an opinion in someone, be we enraptured or disgusted, shocked or delighted, if the image has made us stop and think, even if it is for us to think that the artist has no talent, the artist has created art. Art has been one of the most controversial forms of communication since the drawings of beasts on the caves. But perhaps that reflects humanity as a whole; art, like humanity, will forever be encased in wonderful, exquisite controvery.
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