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The One Million Masterpiece | Images for deletion | Auto-draw tools 559267

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AuthorAuto-draw tools 559267
Marjolein Mallee

Posts: 39
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 23-01-2007 20:10

This person openly admits that he used a tool on his homepage.
In the replay I noticed the progress was quit imposible unless your really really good. It kinda looked like an edited photo.
On this persons profile he/she explains how he used the tool...

I do not totally disagree with what hes saying but still...this is not the kind of art OOM means i guess...
Should read it, I think its quit interesting

Have to admit I don't think this image should be deleted, but if you allow lose grip on it i guess
Many people do sue downloadable tolls. This person took the effort to develop a tool himself. And also defines it as art.

Edited by P H on 24-01-2007 21:48
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools -_- 559267
Timo Jääskeläinen

Posts: 76
Joined: 06.01.07

Posted on 23-01-2007 21:30
If this is not art, then what is this? There is nothing against it in rules of this website. This person has a great skill. And he promotes this website as well. (AFAIK it doesn't even matter what tools you use for the world record...).
As long as this kind of tool will not become public, it's all good. As he says in his blog "My tool in its current form will never be public because just downloading and using it is not art."

Edited by Timo Jääskeläinen on 23-01-2007 21:35
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools -_- 559267
Super Administrator

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Joined: 05.12.06

Posted on 23-01-2007 21:54
There are very few instances on the OMM where an image creation program has been used. I know that at least two of the three that I've seen were written by the person posting an image. Each of the three yielded a very different result from the rest.

Personally, I'm very impressed by their skill. I love all of the different things people have been coming up with. smiley
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools -_- 559267
Paul Fisher
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Posted on 23-01-2007 22:15
We're treating the use of software tools on a case by case basis at the moment. So far they have been used with the right intentions and I've been pretty impressed by the results. If a program did get out into general circulation it is very easy for us to detect its use and automatically delete resulting images.
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools -_- 559267
Addie H

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Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 24-01-2007 01:29
although I personally find the use of programming unfair, especially when some can't use programs like that, this is after all a charity and software tools are just another form of art now, so...I say fair enough?
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools -_- 559267
Marjolein Mallee

Posts: 39
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 24-01-2007 08:38
Indeed, like I said I do not tottaly disagree with whats he is saying.
Programming is in fact something you need a lot of skill for and it is a form of art in my eyes.
I'm just posting this in case it is against the OMM's guidelines, which i can't find >.<
I'm actually learning some programming myself to ^ ^ (not for OMM use of course >.<smiley
Though I think it would be more fair if he told about the tool on his OMM profile to, not only the link.
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Super Administrator

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Posted on 24-01-2007 22:14
The artist of the image in question has started a really good thread in another forum.
I know a few of you have already taken a look and added to the thread. The artist, Jozsef Fejes, has gone to lengths to explain his decision to deveolop his OMM project tool.

I personally admire the way he has taken inspiration from the OMM and found a different way to contribute something great.

Historically artists have developed their tools and media, from cave art through to modern digital imaging. Art and the artistic process seem to always grow beyond any set boundaries.

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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Addie H

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Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 24-01-2007 23:08
he as in me? Addie's a girl's name smiley
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Jozsef Fejes
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Posted on 25-01-2007 23:22
Hi folks, I'm happy to see the these debates I started smiley

Marjolein Mallee wrote:
Though I think it would be more fair if he told about the tool on his OMM profile to, not only the link.

You're right, it has fooled some people, I updated the description. Problem is that I only noticed this thread by accident, you should have told me personally, but it doesn't matter now that I'm here smiley It wouldn't have and doesn't upset me at all, we're all decent people smiley Given that, you can be sure that my tool will remain private. But there are thousands of other people who can achieve the same, still I don't think it could ruin this project, the community will take care of that issue.

I totally agree with everyone here, thanks for your feedback and support, I don't think I could say any more about this. Making the world a better place, that's exactly what we're doing, and this thread is a good addition to that goal. Oh, another thought: I think my tool does emphasize how hard it is to draw such good images by hand, so respect goes to all those people, that's why I keep on commenting on them smiley
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Paulo Pinho

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Joined: 01.10.06

Posted on 26-01-2007 00:13
sorry but i have to agree with the author of the thread

first of all, i'm a programmer too, and there is not anything artistic in making a program, it's just a bunch of instructions and calculations causing a result, i believe it destroys completely the purpose of this "masterpiece", why don't they use instead those oekaki programs out there to make the images? they are by far more complete and the artists could do a lot better images, why don't they use them instead (or something comparable or similar)?

i believe the purpose is to give the user the very basic tools for creating something artistic, it doesn't need to be a mona lisa, it "should" just have a meaning, and all the meanings should in the final be ONE

having a machine copying a image is meaningless besides not being artistic, and at the end the people seeing the one million piece will be wrongly seduce by the image...
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Jozsef Fejes
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Posts: 10
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 26-01-2007 00:23
First of all, OMM is about diversity, and my tool pretty much fits into that category I guess smiley So one can't really say there's only one meaning.

first of all, i'm a programmer too, and there is not anything artistic in making a program, it's just a bunch of instructions and calculations causing a result

Well, how about a painter? Just a bunch of well-directed movements with a brush, using canvas and some chemicals as colors. I let everyone figure out the rest smiley Anyways, I do respect your opinion, even if there are much worse hand-made drawings out there. Some people like it and some don't, I'm totally fine with that, and it seems like a democracy, if the majority decides to remove it, I'll accept that. Every vote counts.
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Addie H

Posts: 12
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 26-01-2007 00:39
thank you for a calm yet well thought out response. if it were my decision, your picture would stay. program or not, it was originally your work and still is, and even if it wasn't, this is a charitable orginization and being picky about the origin of pictures is not worth the time.
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Marjolein Mallee

Posts: 39
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 26-01-2007 06:53
Jozsef Fejes wrote:
Hi folks, I'm happy to see the these debates I started smiley

Marjolein Mallee wrote:
Though I think it would be more fair if he told about the tool on his OMM profile to, not only the link.

You're right, it has fooled some people, I updated the description. Problem is that I only noticed this thread by accident, you should have told me personally, but it doesn't matter now that I'm here smiley It wouldn't have and doesn't upset me at all, we're all decent people smiley Given that, you can be sure that my tool will remain private. But there are thousands of other people who can achieve the same, still I don't think it could ruin this project, the community will take care of that issue.

I totally agree with everyone here, thanks for your feedback and support, I don't think I could say any more about this. Making the world a better place, that's exactly what we're doing, and this thread is a good addition to that goal. Oh, another thought: I think my tool does emphasize how hard it is to draw such good images by hand, so respect goes to all those people, that's why I keep on commenting on them smiley

I'm sorry for putting a thread here, by the time I found my dictionary and translated some of what you said on your site I already made this thread. That was not fair and I appolegize for that.
I do agree with you, I think there is almost no limit to art.
I love digital art myself, so it probaply makes no sence why I made this thread.
I do think this square should stay and I wish i dint made a thread;;

You used that tool with the right intentions, your square is unique and I applaud for your originality. It is mainly that people don't understand how hard this is to program something like this, something I've only found out recently.
I hope I won't cause your square to get deleted.
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Jozsef Fejes
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Posts: 10
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 26-01-2007 07:42
I do think this square should stay and I wish i dint made a thread

Don't be sorry because it made me happy, see, some people expressed here how they like my work so it was worth it smiley

I hope I won't cause your square to get deleted.

I wouldn't worry about that, remember the quote, it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world, and I'm just the man who lives like that.
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Alicia Thompson
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Posted on 26-01-2007 11:16
absolutely love the idea, your creativity and the discussion that's followed.
My only concern is that it may be a copyrighted image. Is it?
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Jozsef Fejes
Super Administrator

Posts: 10
Joined: 18.01.07

Posted on 26-01-2007 11:28
The site I got it from says it's free, hope that's true smiley
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Vincent Pan

Posts: 14
Joined: 28.01.07

Posted on 29-01-2007 00:12
It is quite unfair as the pic is more or less another pic made unaturally. It doesn't really show your capability of "painting" But then again some people have tablets while other people. (I don't have a tablet smiley)

Edited by Vincent Pan on 29-01-2007 02:45
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Eli Clark-Kramer

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Joined: 28.01.07

Posted on 29-01-2007 01:56
I sort of see it as a modern day Warhol...
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Timo Jääskeläinen

Posts: 6
Joined: 07.01.07

Posted on 29-01-2007 03:11
Haha! Great thread.

So this project is now about "showing your capability of painting"? Did I miss something? Last time I checked it was about charity and world's largest artistic collaboration, nothing about showing off anyone's painting skills (though, that's not forbidden either =).

From the About The One Million Masterpiece
We are asking you to draw a small square image using software on our website. You don't need to be an artist or be able to draw - you can make patterns, write words, doodle - what-ever you want.

I didn't use the software provided to create my image - I can see that as a bad thing. But I see nothing wrong with Jozsef's way of doing it. Correct me if I am wrong - Jose did everything by the OMM rules. Does it say somewhere that you must only use mouse or graphics tablet to move the cursor around the canvas?

I guess this OMM software issue should make me even more "evil" than Jose, but, I've got many comments, still none of them was negative. Why is that?

This makes me think that some people are being just plain jealous seeing such a fantastic work as Jose's and they can't believe it. Then they find out it's been done using programming knowledge and get mad. "Ah! I can probably draw better than him, but he gets all the attention because of his stupid programming! B@stard!"

If you can't do something that good yourself - it doesn't mean that it's unfair.

Some people use $15 mouse, some people use $80 tablet, some people use $2000 LCD touchscreen tablet and some people use their programming knowledge. Say what is fair? Let's move on.

After all, I wouldn't mind seeing some photorealistic images in this huge mosaic. They wouldn't make it any worse, no, they would add some more change to it, make it more interesting. And I don't care if someone can't draw like that. Those complaining people should concentrate on their own work instead.

My reply might sound a little emotional, but I hope it doesn't offend anyone personally. It's a good thing we can have debate about anything here.
Cheers smiley
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AuthorRE: Auto-draw tools 559267
Super Administrator

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Posted on 29-01-2007 10:26
Pika Kahvi wrote:
Some people use $15 mouse, some people use $80 tablet, some people use $2000 LCD touchscreen tablet and some people use their programming knowledge. Say what is fair? Let's move on.

This is somewhat how I see the issue, too.

The online drawing tools were supplied to provide everyone with the means of creating something, and so that everyone had the same, decent starting point to apply their own talent. Using whatever creative skills you have and technology you possess in your unique environment thereafter produces the diversity that is integral to the goal of the project.

However, my concern is similar to that expressed by Alicia above. The image created by modified software has the potential to infringe upon the rights of others. The original image of Mena Suvari adapted to the OMM by Jozsef, though apparently a public domain or publicity shot, still contains rights that belong to the subject of the image, Mena. I think (though I am no expert and fully expect to corrected by a keen legal expert heresmiley) any person has grounds to prevent their image being used for or with a commercial purpose. Not sure how the OMM would stand in this matter as the images are the result of donations, but such images may be prevented from being part of calendars and posters etc. It would be pretty poor form of someone to actually object to their image contributing to such a worthwhile project as this, but these things have happened.

I'm sure that this concern also extends to other copyright and trademark issues in other images. There are lots of hand drawn images of trademarked cartoon characters on the OMM too. But like I said, I am only posting this concern based on a flimsy knowledge of such legal issues. Can anyone enlighten me on this subject?

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