Author | Hey everyone! |
ALex Marinica Member
Posts: 1 Joined: 12.12.06
 | Posted on 28-12-2006 21:06 | |
i'm Alex, as you noticed and i am from Romania, as you also noticed i love to draw but i have never studied on i have absolutely no theoretical skills... |

Author | RE: Hey everyone! |
Catie Vercammen-Grandjean Member
Posts: 27 Joined: 07.12.06
 | Posted on 28-12-2006 21:26 | |
Pft! Artists don't NEED to have theoretical skills. I think that as long as your pieces come from the heart and soul and bring you joy, they're art. I love your square. It's a lovely scene!  |

Author | RE: Hey everyone! |
Sin-Mae Chung Super Administrator
Posts: 372 Joined: 07.12.06
 | Posted on 29-12-2006 11:02 | |
everyone takes on art in their own way.. i reckon u will go down ur own path so there is no right or rong.  |

Author | RE: Hey everyone! |
Sam Dollar Member
Posts: 27 Joined: 29.11.06
 | Posted on 30-12-2006 23:29 | |
Wow,great pic.You don't need theoretical skills,you just need to draw your natural way and it turns out great,that has got to be one of the best pictures i've seen yet!

Author | RE: Hey everyone! |
Alex Holt Member
Posts: 77 Joined: 04.12.06
 | Posted on 01-01-2007 00:41 | |
Greetings fellow Alex - I agree, Im mostly self taught with things (in terms of traditional mediums anyway - I've looked at more advise with my digital art to get it up to speed with my traditional quickly) and I just do thigns the way I think would be the best. Its your choice how you choose to balance detail, realism, speed, accuracy complexity and so on, and even your composition - just get as much practise as you like and find how you like doing it, not how other people do it and I'm sure youll be brilliant before long. |
