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The One Million Masterpiece | Images for deletion | Suggestion

Catie Vercammen-Grandjean

Posts: 27
Joined: 07.12.06

Posted on 19-12-2006 05:25
I suggest that before anyone recommends a piece for deletion, they carefully consider why. Nudity, for example, if a very natural and automatic part of our lives and has been a part of fine art for as long as art has been in existence. People tried to get the Starbucks lady covered up because of her exposed chest and have succeeded. One reason: they were concerned about teachers bringing coffee into their classrooms and having young children be shocked at the nudity. In my opinion, making tasteful nudity taboo will only make the idea dirty to developing youths, and that would be a shame. If any piece of nudity is DESIGNED to be offensive(but then again, if it strikes any feeling in you, it is good art in the sense it has gotten a reaction across to you), not just offensive to you personally, then I believe there might be consideration for deletion. Remember there is always the mature content filter if you are really that worried about children seeing it.
I'd also like to add that it would be sad for any piece to be deleted just because it is not considered 'good' art. i have seen a lot of very simple pieces that I consider to be beautiful if at least because it has something to say. Don't forget that art can be just a message, whether you understand it or not. Art, even if not done by a 'painter' or 'illustrator,' is done for fun all the time and I find those pieces to be an expression of joy at least. I know it's all debatable, but I would still like people to think about that. I'd also love to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you if you've considered any of this. <3

Edited by Catie Vercammen-Grandjean on 19-12-2006 12:40
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AuthorRE: Suggestion
Lisa Stevens
Super Administrator

Posts: 62
Joined: 23.07.06

Posted on 19-12-2006 10:07
Yup! I agree with all of that! smiley They covered up the breasts on the Starbucks figure?! What is the World coming to? Soon we'll be told to not breastfeed as it's a form of sexual abuse!
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AuthorRE: Suggestion
Lisa Stevens
Super Administrator

Posts: 62
Joined: 23.07.06

Posted on 19-12-2006 10:08
Gret picture by the way! smiley
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AuthorRE: Suggestion
Alex Holt

Posts: 77
Joined: 04.12.06

Posted on 19-12-2006 12:25
I couldn't agree more, we seem to have a very censorship and 'get rid of that' obsessed society - covering more and more things up without thinking it through. At the end of the day people see to assume nudity = sex - which it doesn't by any means - I think there are a lot of complainers in the world who need to grow up a bit.
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AuthorRE: Suggestion
Super Administrator

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Joined: 07.09.06

Posted on 19-12-2006 21:37
Catie Vercammen-Grandjean wrote:
I suggest that before anyone recommends a piece for deletion, they carefully consider why.

I firmly agree. The calls for censorship so far have been mainly reactions to being personally offended or are born of a personal judgement as to what can be considered art.

I think the important thing is not to nominate individual sqaures for deletion but rather to put accross a reasoned argument, perhaps using example images to aid discussion.

Nominating, or voting on images for deletion I find a bit uncomfortable, but can see it as a good way to open up discussion on censorship, art, taste etc. So I certainly agree that if a sqaure is nominated (even if just playing 'devil's advocate) then participation in an open discussion with an argument should be reasonably expected.

Maybe a general thread should be started in order for people to air some concerns without targetting a specific square.

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AuthorRE: Suggestion
Catie Vercammen-Grandjean

Posts: 27
Joined: 07.12.06

Posted on 19-12-2006 22:36
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Yup! I agree with all of that! smiley They covered up the breasts on the Starbucks figure?! What is the World coming to? Soon we'll be told to not breastfeed as it's a form of sexual abuse!

Yeah, they drew her hair hanging over her breasts. I find that sad as her simple nudity was so charming.
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AuthorRE: Suggestion
Nicola C

Posts: 25
Joined: 23.11.06

Posted on 03-01-2007 17:50
Hang on a minute, are all the "inappropriate" images going to be shown in the final image or not. And as Paul said in the "only in London" thread we will be having a coffee table book with all the images in it, so will the "inappropriate" images be shown in there?

Edited by Nicola C on 03-01-2007 17:57
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AuthorRE: Suggestion
Catie Vercammen-Grandjean

Posts: 27
Joined: 07.12.06

Posted on 09-01-2007 19:53
It depends on if those inappropriate images are allowed to stay in the project or not, I suppose. Perhaps only the squares that they pick to be showed in London will be in the coffee table book. Remember not everyone is guaranteed to be in the final piece if they're not a full member. Maybe someone else knows more about it.
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