Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries
Who are we, and why are we trying to create the world's largest artistic collaboration? Take a look at the big picture as it takes shape. Catch up on progress and read about the project in the press. Browse the forums and meet the people, the celebrities and the artists taking part. Visit our online store and help support this and other arts projects. Join the project or log in to your account.
People of all abilities have already joined us in creating a unique and truly global piece of art. Every squiggles, doodle, shape, word and sketch is welcome so please be brave and register for free today!

One Million Artists - One Artwork. View the work in progress - and watch it grow bigger every day.

The Big Picture

Spotlight: Jo Vickers

Artist 1001548
Naturally, everyone has their favourites on the OMM. The pictures which make you say "wow" every time you see them; the pictures which make you click the "replay" button just to see the process in which cer ... read more

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Castillo GiovanniBrigid MilliganTomWillMarisa PimentelJohnmichael launsabrina carpenterEduardo C. F.Eduardo C. F.Eduardo C. F.ElaineEduardo C. F.Eduardo C. F.Catie P

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The Million Masterpiece is a global arts project. As a community we are creating a piece of artwork that will provide a unique snapshot of modern society through the eyes of one million people scattered across the world. To do this we are asking artists and non-artists alike to complete one small square of a giant digital canvas. The project is supported by the largest online arts communities and is an official world record holder.

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