Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries


Why advertise on this website?

  • 550,000 pageviews per month
  • 90,000 unique users per month
  • 22,000+ registered users
  • 174 countries represented
  • 25% under 18 yrs, 40% 19 yrs to 30 yrs, 5% over 60 yrs

Those extra special benefits

  • Television and print exposure
  • Extensive PR support

The One Million Masterpiece is a well publicised project with a website that serves over 500,000 pages to over 80,000 unique visitors per month. The site enjoys a high online profile and is also frequently covered by print and broadcast press.

On-site advertising is strictly limited and must be approved before advertising can commence. All proceeds generated from on-site advertising are re-allocated to project running costs. Two sponsor formats are available and can be purchased in monthly blocks.

Banner advertising : $150 per month
120x600 / 120x400 / 120x320

Banner ads are displayed on most pages down the right and left hand side panes. In January 07 over 300,000 banner impressions were recorded. Four slots are available each month at $150 each, with each banner being displayed an equal number of times. All advertisers will also be provided a text link on our supporters page that will exist for the duration of the project.

There is a minimum term of two months, followed by a month-to-month agreement where either party may terminate the relationship on 30 days notice.

If you're interested in buying banner advertising please contact Payment for ads can only be accepted byPaypal.

Sponsor logo : $100 per month

Sponsor logo links are displayed as a 164 x 80 monochrome image in the left side panel of over 45,000 indexed pages. We are limited to 6 logos per month.

There is a minimum term of two months, followed by a month-to-month agreement where either party may terminate the relationship on 30 days notice.

If you're interested in buying banner advertising please contact us. Payment for ads can only be accepted byPaypal.

All ads and related websites must be approved before advertising can commence. All proceeds generated from on-site advertising is allocated to project running costs.

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All rights reserved.
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