Million Masterpiece
The One Million Masterpiece global arts project 32,731 artists
174 countries

Who are we?

Nobody has any control over the final picture. Each single person has as much artistic control as the next single person.

That said, there are a few people who have made the project happen. People who have set the stage, ready for the creativity to begin. Most of these people have worked on a voluntary basis, juggling full time jobs with a highly technical and time limited project - thanks guys!


PaulCommunity and Marketing Director - Paul
Paul is the creative force behind the project. He has brought each element together, including the sponsors and strategic partnerships.
EamonnTechnology Director - Eamonn
Eamonn has been responsible for coding the site and maintaining the server.

Support Partners

Helen CammackHelen Cammack
Helen is the financial planner behind the project. She’s also been instrumental in guiding the project through the creative planning stage.
Kerry WooloughanKerry Wooloughan
Kerry is the project's exhibition co-ordinator. She is putting together the One Million Masterpiece unveiling event and exhibition.
Jozsef FejesDeveloper (Special Projects) - Jozsef Fejes

Community Administrators

Pip HignettCommunity Administrator - Pip Hignett
Isaac WirtzCommunity Administrator - Isaac Wirtz
Angeli ArndtCommunity Administrator - Angeli Arndt
J WestCommunity Administrator - J West
Sarah EdwardsCommunity Administrator - Sarah Edwards

Project Representatives

Alicia ThompsonCommunity Administrator & Australian Representative - Alicia Thompson
Ale SánchezdeviantArt Representative - Ale Sánchez

© 2006 - 2025 Million Masterpiece.
All rights reserved.
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