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Salt Lake City, United States




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About Starbird14

An empty canvas is exactly that, Create your own world or universe. There are no rules or limits on a blank page anything can burst into life.

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In to the Stars II

An empty canvas is exactly that, Create your own world or Universe. there are no rules or limits on a blank page, the only limits are your own imagination, and all the colors in between.
Tags : stars night sky shooting bright glow sean shingleton
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 562480 Mitico Meschino
Mon 21st Jul, 2008
I will express a wish...!!! Many compliments...+1!
Image 485655 Isaac Wirtz
Mon 3rd Mar, 2008
Throughout this project, your picture has remained one of my all time favorites.
Image 639207 Lubos Bakyta
Mon 18th Feb, 2008
Image 547985 Skailinks
Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Absolutely lovely. :)
Image 424786 Karleen Alvord
Thu 29th Nov, 2007
Pretty =D
Image 483998 J West
Sat 3rd Nov, 2007
Amazing - stunning square ;D
Image 442328 Stacey Dirickson
Thu 27th Sep, 2007
Ohhh prettty!! I love it :D
Image 551118 Laura Schrampfer
Fri 3rd Aug, 2007
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