My links OMM Poster Design Mon 1st Oct, 2007 I have been suffering from artists block lately, so I decided to do a simple poster design for OMM. Since I can't contribute money, I thought I would promote OMM with this little poster. Poster Link: Miniature Image Credits: Disclaimer: 14 comments About Jason KnightI had been trying to decide what to paint for quite some time... several months in fact! I originally wanted to paint something meaningful and fitting with the global humanitarian theme. I started to paint the earth and realized that it wasn't very original so I completely started over. For the second try I decided to paint Noah's Ark, but I maxed out the number of brush strokes that could be saved, probably due to the play back function and how much detail I was trying to put in it. So, again I was struggling with what I should paint when it came to me... literally! My daughter ran into the room and started to climb on me like a monkey in a tree... so I decided to paint her. What brings more joy to people everywhere? What's worth preserving our planet for? Why should we donate to a charity? Who do we trust with our future? The answer is... our children!Contact InformationNone available.More about Jason KnightOccupation: Well... back in the day I was an art teacher at a community college, but that didn’t last. I was not a very good teacher and my art skills were below some of the students that I was teaching. I am currently a freelance artist (more of a hobby) employed as a computer programmer and software developer.My favourite pictures
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