Million Masterpiece
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Minesweeping Team

Omg I can't draw lol.
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Comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 19th May, 2007
Nice square! -Jason
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Wed 7th Feb, 2007
But this is fabulous! And so cute too!
Image 474318 Anonymous
Wed 31st Jan, 2007
Cute! ^^ I really like how they changed faces a few time
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Tue 19th Dec, 2006
oh, I love it!!! You really know how to work with these tools, and you really know your anime style. I love the faces, and the layout of all four! Good stuff :D
Image 448741 Isaiah Reyes
Mon 18th Dec, 2006
i'm jealous but this is really good!

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Image 9132Minesweeping Team (default)
Last updated : Wed 6th Dec, 2006

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