Puppy Lover Sat 6th Jan, 2007 yea right.in your dreams.lol
Aunty Mor Sat 6th Jan, 2007 Oh, I get it now. Had to look it up on google first. Learning a lot on this site.
Glad you are not near me!
John E. Manglona Jr. Wed 20th Dec, 2006 as yes... PWNing. What would this world w/ out the competitive poke people in the virtual world. We are This will indeed represent a good portion of our society... The gamers of the world!!!
I PWN you! =)
S€an Z4ky Tue 19th Dec, 2006 My Rocket coke Pwn infinity it's still going right now!
J Yang Mon 18th Dec, 2006 Hahaha... I see a PWNing war in your future.
Clara Ferreira Mon 18th Dec, 2006 I PWN 9.000 times more than j00!
Seriously, you are a genious XD