My linkshttp://griffinbandida.furtopia.org About Clara FerreiraEver since I'm a kid that I love animals and specially to draw them. In the future I hope I can be a biologist and work to save endangered animals, my dream is to save them through art too.Contact InformationEmail: griffinbandida@gmail.comMore about Clara FerreiraOccupation: StudentInterests and Hobbies: Art (I bet you didn't see that coming XD), zoology (ditto), reading and bird watching. Artists: H. Kyoht Luterman Music: Mostly metal. Movies: Black Beauty Books and Writers: Richard Bach with 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' Personal Quote: The Laws of Nature are no longer applied to Mankind, because we are not part of the Nature | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Latest comments on this artwork:
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