My About SoL SavorettiUhmmm ask me! I don't bite (yet) :)Contact InformationNone available.More about SoL SavorettiInterests and Hobbies: Reading, writing, watching films, listening to music; cats, animals, illustration, animation.... travelling to the outer space.Artists: Klimt, Schiele, Hunderdtwasser, Gaudi; Hyeronimus Bosh, Van Eyck, Velazquez........ Jan Svankmajer, Quay Brothers... Music: J.S. Bach, Piazzola, Billie Holiday, Tom Waits, PJ Harvey, Nick Cave, Bill Evans, Recoil,... (diverse, right?) Movies: Lost Highway (David Lynch), Brothers Quay's short films, Alice (Jan Svankmajer), THe Darjeeling Limited (Wes Anderson), Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton), ufff, this list will never end... Books and Writers: Neil Gaiman, Julio Cortazar, Ray Bradbury, Lewis Carroll, - a bit of an absession with Alice in Wonderland (I own at least 7 different editions of that book!). My favourite pictures
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