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and the sun said:

hope... every tomorrow brings hope... belief... believe in YOUSELF! everyone's hopes brought together into one sunset!
Tags : sunset hope belief
vote downvote up 56community votes

Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 1005804 My faces
Tue 23rd Aug, 2011
love it
Image 1004073 Curtis T DuBois
Tue 10th Feb, 2009
good 'message' too :)
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Wed 4th Feb, 2009
Just love this image.
Image 512840 Maria De Gier
Sun 9th Mar, 2008
The water, the shadows! brilliant!
Image 562480 Mitico meschino
Thu 31st Jan, 2008
I like it...very evocative picture...!!!
Image 568748 Dayna Sadoff
Sat 26th Jan, 2008
so beautiful- well done!
Image 1002282 Jean Zakarauskas
Sun 20th Jan, 2008
Very good ! Peacefull!
Image 575253 Sarah Edwards
Tue 15th Jan, 2008
Wow, I love the colours in this and the refelection is really well done
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