Sin-Mae Chung Thu 15th Mar, 2007 haha now that really works, i like how at first it hit me like something was coming out of the picture plane..
Wer Ku Mon 5th Feb, 2007 Ahahahaha! Fun! :D That's really really cool, by the way I'm coming to say hi to you because I felt like it, hope you have a nice day... well, everyday :)
Christina S. Thu 11th Jan, 2007 Amazing message! Creative idea too :D I love how you shaded it too c: I think it would be really cool if you changed the red to look like it was a continuation of your neighboring pics, like you were uncovering them C:
Sarah Lovett Fri 5th Jan, 2007 clever, interesting, good idea. I would have done my pic differently if I had realised it could be viewed as an animation.
Erica Pederson Sun 24th Dec, 2006 whoa that's deep. sweet idea