just | R a c h e l Sun 26th Oct, 2008 What a great idea! Each stage looks exactly how he did (at that time). The monkey alone was fantastic! But altogether is just too good. Well done!
Aunty Mor Wed 15th Oct, 2008 Just awesome Maggie. Love the bit with the hand coming up and then even the monkey having had enough.+ 1,000,000 if I could.
Anonymous Tue 3rd Jun, 2008 FREAKISHLY BRILLIANT!!!
oh, the painting is great too.
Liberty Verbaan Thu 22nd May, 2008 Terrifying. I was terrified. :) And you're an amazing artist! :)
Jo Vickers Fri 2nd May, 2008 Cheers =) It was done with a mouse and I used a reference pic from "nicecupofteaandasitdown.com". I guess the playback tells you everything else! (except for all the undoing) =D
Cassie Jay Thu 10th Apr, 2008 lmao that was fricken amazing! You are an amazing artist plus it was fun to watch and funny! i love it lol
Iselin Wed 9th Apr, 2008 Really great work! The playback was awesome! :) 1+
Mitico Meschino Mon 7th Apr, 2008 Hi Maggie,i like your work because i love Michael...your draw is very nice...bye...
andalicesays Sat 19th Jan, 2008 Goddamn, that's so awesome. i am literally sitting here with my mouth all agape.
Aunty Mor Sun 13th Jan, 2008 Ok, now he is ugly. Fantastic job Maggie. Who are you going to do now then? ;)
Btw Love your pic with your cowgirl hat on...Nice to see you :)
Morgan Addie Hallmark Wed 9th Jan, 2008 i have to comment again and tell you how brilliant you are. this is SUCH a cool idea! I've been hovering and waiting for you to add on :)
Shanna Muston Tue 8th Jan, 2008 i like it, your being cheeky in a smart way!
EDIT: hehe, love the bits you added, nice little OMM touch!
Aunty Mor Mon 7th Jan, 2008 Just came back to see how far the transformation had got. Still not ugly enough LOL!
Sarah Edwards Mon 7th Jan, 2008 This is really amazing,especially when you watch the playback as well
Samantha Arno Tue 1st Jan, 2008 It just really is such a shame, what he did to himself. He wasn't half a bad-looking man, if you ask me, before all those one too many surgeries took it all away.
Still watching, and you're still doing so amazing. Love it, love it, LOVE IT.
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