Million Masterpiece
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Official 2008 Calendar - Who's who

Mon 3rd Dec, 2007

The following artists have been chosen to feature in the official One Million Masterpiece 2008 calendar. Well done to everyone who made the cut – your picture will be proudly displayed in thousands of homes around the world!

This years montage themes broadly followed the themes announced previously, however of designers needed to make some adjustments due to image suitability requirements. Several categories were changed at the last minute – hence the small delay in going to print!

Calendars can be ordered via Paypal from this website here, or via the deviantArt website here. Please note that a wider range of shipping options is available through the deviantArt website.


January : Water

Emi 1000094, Sean Bass 1001758, Gloria Ruiz 618407, Gianna Butterfield 530373, Anjanette Rounsaville 461551, Seb Hudson 501673, Rachel Hermes 549616, Yuriy Marchuk 423144, Jono Mendibles 403959, Jeanne Krebbeks 1000385, Becca Carrubba 1000537, Heather McPherson 527283, H. Robert Heath 405575, Mohammed Karim 618395, Brittany Vance 594418, Miranda Taafe 474477, Josh Klein 499938, Joey RZ 412001, Elena LightShia 407191, Ruakuu Kyuzo 607249, Sandy 1000834, Sidney Shen 528846, Delyth 1001523, Liam Okeefe 429588, Keith Cramer 383171, Vickie Chen 426365, J West 483998, Betty Manry 578434, Ashleigh Gurney 1000778, Arthit Suriyawongkul 637601, Carol Tufford 451965, Emily L 469626, Aidil Muladha 464850, Amrit Ballesteros 500085, Brianna "Sleekfur" 506317, Amy Wratten 476063, warren 1001343, Hyae Na Ko Glassick 548018, OJ Kielland 571940, Brianna Huber 397646, Maíra Storch 461554, Nancy Lorenz 589541, Ida Lydersen 443989, Stephen Strudwick 431186, Ben Anderson 524043, Lance Muller 407217, Edson Kim 418376, David Maxey 570367, C H Cross aka 'Kai Santi' 399199, Barbara Arneson 562380, Ashish Mehta 1001076, Peter McClelland 586429, Saskia Tomkins 1000805, Jake Kenyon 575180, Mimi Nguyen 591176, Liu Kimmy 463286, Frederikke Tu 571939, Maryann Cohen 508061, Spaz Splitz 519181, Heidi Goehrke 466463, Jori Niemi 567161, Michael Den Beste 517568, Sheik Razzur 408750, Cazel R 474368, Nic B 623206, Olivia McNair 551197, Monica Palermo 485653, Kimberly Li 536783, Giulia Rivi 1001196, Natalia Piacheva 1000708, Onur Erem 578391, Cheryl Thomas-Bentley 424791, Shadow of Undine 1001667, Yannick De Smet 637607, Kelly Gentile 395986, Stephanie De Montmorency 575153, Katie Furlan 509634, Mark Watkinson 482428, Erica Morris 520857, Saint Tpai 434329, Danielle Matheson 516089, Carolina Bau... 455236, Noah Verzani 605573, Megan Down 532040, Meg P 560774, Miranda B 448745, Dave Gibson 578374, ANNA 1001055, Jacob Rubin 413636, Brian Tinsley 530433, Finlay Mauchline 450382, Thiago Carfi 391160, Calida A. 608750, Melissa R Bucholz 512880, Rebecca Lopez 445540, Madalina Macovei 437574, chiara vespignani 1001292, Rob Drewett 599262, Jonathan Benitez 522372, Thomas Dian 448748, Catherine Hookey 367212, Irene Fletcher 418335, Juhi Chitravanshi 444004, Laura Bretherton 436073, Mertol Shahin 586382, KJA Stone 1001512, Igor Gurin 423225, Samantha Yeakle 530362, Christina Cimini 604009, Yoann Sailly 413542, Iulia Rontu 439242, Maryam Khatoon 608810, Allison Hausner 396017, Suzi Grossman 540016, Andrés Fernández Cordón 467977, Jeanne Krebbeks 1000385, Danielle Pepin 520725, Flare Person 391168, Leszek Pietrzak 543130, Bruno Magalhaes 562347, Julia Poggio 434361, Manolo Libreros 453570, Matthew Davis 434341, Rikki Louise C 419928, Patrick Joy A. Fernandez Patrick Joy A. Fernandez 442442, Elizabeth Gottschalk 468058, K L 514432, Lauren Snyder 516065, Eshel H 1000173, Gracie Rafferty 523968, Matthew Pawlewicz 533682, Ben Welsh 517632, Marco piko Infussi 495226, Athila Bertoncini 404051, Aaron Fuller 447274, Sebastien DUFOURCQ 440780, Stefanie Spaulding 591150, Gerti Saaler 511129, María Catalina Gálvez 506472, Erika Prindle 565674, Taylor Lewis 612049, Kristinn Guðmundsson 416781, Dave T 533619, Kecen Zhou 400806, Teis Hansen 452068, Lydia Brown 456764, Peter Drinnan 461598, Philip P. 517664, Iris Rattley 543235, Rosa Campbell 519184


February : Love

Timo De winter 621586, Daniel Carlsson 608766, Andra Mihai 538463, Stuart Parsons 591244, Michelle Todd 528864, Nicole Heinrichs 410343, Franciele Cadore 546347, Jazreel 1000458, Steve Sumner 1001777, Patrizia Rohr 1000299, Nina Filova 581627, Jitka 1000648, Abbas , Muhammad 530471, Kathryn K. 431276, Nagy Orsolya 1000097, Martina Cataldo 1000725, Kay H 496831, Pawnshop Heart00 479142, Half Horse 581660, Kitty Cat 399232, Amber Knight 576875, Tabitha Cichy 487115, Stephanie Eßer 560750, Sashelle Alamo 610455, ersilia 1001099, Bryan Sebeck 588041, Henry Dau 386453, Miley Brocks 407157, Anne Cai 463156, Eva Andersson 402454, Hayley Roberts 554429, Claudia Guanes 434415, Charlotte McGuire 498451, Namira Alya 485514, Jenny Zhu 511249, Kirsty Duffin 597587, Katie Moss 373606, Lana Sackwild 492016, Sudhith Xavier 455141, Yoko Tse 484058, Devyn Brown 597599, `* J =)) 602407, Suzanne Stone 408828, Aunty Mor 389604, Pui wing C 644001, Sarita Eames 607222, Aldrin Inigo 402361, Xhen Xhen 403985, Amy D 469556, Alaina Kwan 503148, Jonas Söderström 421613, lindy lou 1001711, Xoana Batista 440819, Julia Eriksson 519160, Effie Mcdonald 445616, Viki H 476042, Thiago Tigo 421666, Alex Bahena 594416, Lio Kaeblen 639208, Danette Gagnier 594443, Dawn . 632833, Jolly Rancher 453662, Nykolai Aleksander 464839, Bernadette Manabat 596050, Jesse Seidel 426426, Alyssa Wongkee 580008, Andy Widodo 595971, Clare Knutson 543241, Denisse Oviedo 602343, Phoenix Tam 439157, Khaerul Adzany 567169, Juan Gomez 493598, Kaylan e. Senour 1001707, Jason Oberbichler 490473, Antti Hamara 424844, Jacquie Krumer 587987, Shree Chudasama 421565, Fabio 1000830, Alice Kierstenson 612002, Eleisha Stevens 448851, Bradley Mason 565664, Allie Duerden 418434, April Oliver 623214, Alexandra Gaudiosi 421584, Anna 1001710, Bryce Kendall 1001723, Linn Theres Pettersen 413610, Johanna Nilsson 621562, Justin I 1001184, Grace Hong 499983, Ashlyn DeChant 629577, Massimiliano Marradi 551194, Jasmine Seng 520842, Charlotte 1001663, 392838, Felicia Lipton 426403, Stephanie Hill 535242, Nickole TenBrock 413591, Tricia Woods 383236, Jenny Beddow 408758, Lisa McGlaun 1000683, Joshua Lee 580002, Cassie Harvey-Smith 1001301, Just call me Fioni :] 568776, Shaun Stamper 445564, Carri Ampris 426428, Bing Bong 634410, Ana Popovic 432840, Sarah Scheibe 1000209, Elaine Kwok 515948, sarah 378426, Avril D.C. 632797, Travis Uribe 544750, Tom West 485550, Stuart 1001384, RyGa 1000310, Adina 1000083, Liz Palin 543279, Sean Hunter 392765, Laura Rose 397643, Violinissia Roseworth 496884, Christie Fong 484042, CJ Barrios 402414, Filipa Silva 429564, Aniel Misericorde 453584, Francesca Mastro 432774, Emily Castle 533520, Therese Gorzo von Bilkei 444050, Amy Lambert 544826, Ruth Ingall 572023, Mira-Mina Mizuka 551279, Jessica Nadeau 1000410, Stefano Zoncato 1001170, Gaga Panggabean 520726, Judith H. 500028, Daisy Banham 583193, Josy Chan 584728, YUNIS ARU 640818, Madison Crawford 475948, Dragos Gavrila 404025, Owen Geronimo 368799, Andrea Cronshaw 484062, Sam 421538, Becki Parsons 576854, Lafeuille Adrien 381575, Joan Denley 373575, Charlotte Bunker 525670, Dawn 1001105, Ben 496856, Jeni Buchanan 568794


March : United Nations

Natalie Pulling 407258, EOG Focalis 475938, Maxim 1000575, Kristina Flores 445601, Ashley Cano 634407, Christian Rutz 522364, Ta7seen Abolamba 555957, Insomniac Free filistin 573616, João Ferraz 552839, Laila Al-hariri 436030, Ciro Vieira 424768, Ned Liddemore 437633, Sam Rees 516045, Mark Hossack 564037, Scott S 559153, Fabrice Panichi 615246, Yulia Panova 386372, Emmanuel vargas Guajardo 538454, Bertsey Titus 586431, Tom Simonite 615192, Destino Nero 400750, Maurizio 1000146, Anthony Villanueva 506449, Eleanor Musgrove 567230, Luke Rosser 579980, mattia 1000835, Peter Hansen 516026, Tijir Rijit 525539, Rocco Trussoni 1000735, Adam Wogden 453517, Carolyn Stephens 567168, Tomas Riederer 592813, Kai Filppula 440823, Jim Kirk 452077, Emma Lonsdale 530441, Chris Claus 532085, Ramunas Jakimavicius 613588, Jian Jackie 589623, Darren Burns 562338, Ciprian Dumitrescu 404059, Carlo Cosenza 519121, Rodney Zhu 519131, Klaun Cid 565588, rayanna 1000521, Paul Haworth 436028, Doaa Mofeed 621628, Hank Mamalis 613558, Sami Ahmad 636016, Dejan Petrovic 408869, Austin Erwin 1000260, Molly J. 568818, Duntae Raynes 602420, Gustavo Forti Leitão 559214, Morningstar :D 391193, Ariel Liimatainen 634391, Omar K. Hasanat 536869, Matteo Marzuoli 1000703, Ian Mundy 483948, Andy Leeman 416836, Whitney Kraus 405622, Maggie Denholm 1001406, Ali Al Nasser 453682, Grant Van Gelder 492073, Steve Riel 467949, Maria Schlingheyde 445648, Laa Lee 359182, Aneesah S 461571, Mulham Hayek 580029, Chris Jones 580022, Jeannette Hall 555967, Bart G 560778, Ricardo Ferreira 434440, Barbra Treston 472810, Mike Carusone 512715, Frances Kelley 578407, Or Cohen 432763, Stipe Pokrajcic 439169, Steve Bremner 412010, RUTH CHAPMAN 362402, Mark Visser 594421, Perisa Raznatovic 362407, Premysl Kachlík 580030, Stacey Dirickson 442328, Erwin Pascua 603987, Alisha .L 612027, Doran Khamis 503144, Beatrice S. 512850, Yazan Barjawi 440750, Yara Abbas 525647, Catherine Thomas 466390, Sol 1000887, Tricia Roxas 579946, Victor Barada 384784, Karthikeyan Jeganathan 375240, Sherin L 487141, Aido Murray 381646, Isai Lopez 634406, Tom Paul 581668, Mattias Aabmets 525529, Pelagia Gkreka 1001065, Brian McQuade 602451, Katherine Sarasas 395956, Aaron Banwarie 479116, Eduardo Del Rey 447125, Kpow Richdy 426446, Hinnerk Hansen 563923, Joe Green 363989, Mark'yhennon N/a 383197, Borislav Zhelev 380010, Olli Korpimäki 503226, Simon Adames 479128, Tadeu Rueda 562350, Meg McCartan 490324, George Gikas 423243, Marc Chaghouri 434442, Alexander Ivanov 423146, Rebecca Swift 559155, Harold Keith Lim 492043, CHOY CHOY 531913, Katze Singleton 564058, Sean Goward 520859, 03 Rivi 543150, Ross Bruggink 559166, Ammar . 386430, Sian Fairhurst 464715, Boszika Sylvania 568868, Tim Tim 618448, Jeannette Pepin 464845, ombraillum 543172, Jesus Lazatin 1000035, Filipe Lage 615216, Jez McKean 407238, Paul Ohara 563924, Valeria De Paulis 447162, Tebogo Makenete 554364, Max Jäger 383199, Isabel Espinoza 506446, Tyler Beaulieu 400842, Peno Mishoyan 407201, Reham Al Massri 386438, Ian Green 589650, Tim Winton 623207, M Wd 584834, Paulo Sampaio Neto 618404, Bernard Helyer 488876, Peter Van Lis 608817, Alex Belancourt 525540, Léa Le Pivert 504848, B K 640799, Francisco Quitral 439228


April : Totally Random

andrew 1001802, Gianluca P 364012, Wilson Tarbox 378440, Fifi Farquharson 419942, Daniel Wiklund 586427, Jayme Martin 599161, Ryan G 399210, Richard Mongler 503278, James Brooks 578330, Adam Quesnell 616749, JS Cardinal 423200, Jerry Glover 586446, Alex Paton 386380, Esmerelda Rellits 504877, Jeff Burgess 472740, Michael Kumar 587943, David Runbäck 584822, Cierra Brody 578474, Lucy Green 594379, Dannielle Bryan 583258, Laura Dixon 488792, Delia Arkley 573568, D'Wan Ellington 421603, Nora Somlai 381569, Andreas Antoniadis 581562, Rachel Sherman 527168, Stephanie Price 597551, Kylie Buchanan 570465, Steve Stann 591260, Kaizer Black 591243, Thomas Jones 570327, Rebecca Pohancenik 1000610, KW Choo 469513, Tim 536753, Russell Milne 588027, Lisa L 543251, Alice Wood 544749, Reon Viljoen 594454, Michael Durey 615241, Victor Woode 373635, Lorenzo 1000989, Blanka Mozisova 560860, Y. Czerski 565662, Cheyenne Mccoy 588064, Katie Brinks 544838, Antonio Martinez 539920, John Hammond 599206, Omnicon Aka Julez R. 512746, Will Jones 567262, iosu aramburu 1000939, Mark Campo 589635, McKenzi Marshall 608765, Cosme Uriaguereca 627981, Beth Pizana 589564, VCR Clock 560836, Ponygon Codyb245 480760, Katherine Wilkinson 597658, Shindou Dragon 399143, jo 1000336, Philipp Steuerwald 572030, Alize Bernardes Moreira 1000763, Jen F 399138, Larry C. Martin 410393, Sushi Membersi 392828, Rod Dunning 372026, NC 367167, Jenny Shiz 372027, Andrea Pacini 597566, Hannah H 583145, Na Na 560871, Liam Montgomery 618387, Marco Gamba 1000631, Peter Baker 442319, Bryon Stringham 392743, Rohan Watt 452035, Graham MacGregor 499920, Hannah Critchley 443951, Thomas Calkin 381640, Aaron Smyk 583219, Katy Pannulla 605553, Daniel Lied 389566, Jamie Roh 464840, Connie 1000501, Michelle Muir 448823, Richard Demers 588054, Richard Hallett 474345, SImon Lund 576817, Tristan Pope 589654, davide pistoni 1000746, Celeste Cordova 554374, Angela 1001276, Shit Man 600784, Rob Drewett 599262, Chris Mead 1001339, Jess Smith 1001759, Maeva Rinkel 626416, Pete Bush 482346, J W 611952, Natalie Lee 592858, E Yudin 586437, Mathias Aamodt 612030, Richetti DCas 380033, Daniel Tyler 597653, Danny Garside 589572, Jherin Miller 371992, César Alcalde 463279, S. Iannazzo 599201, Nato Van Rooyen 589655, Greg Murrie 445571, Amalia Khateeb 610397, Carolina A. 584812, Kimberly LoPrinzi 378365, Phil Clarke 428021, Dane Tonkiss 509661, Tory K 538340, Yolanda Misfarkas 519115, Tonatiuh Moreno 559142, Ismael Teijeiro 616840, Annika Kluepfel 1001473, Sean Morris 479124, Kaylie Mcd 589653, Beatrice Got 615253, Pasi Hietanen 440756, Chelsea Hopkins 420018, Cherry Stone 576747, Mike Hale 477619, Danielle Hamilton 616752, James Curtright 580056, Josh Froehlich 379982, Fatima Al Nasser 1000615, Jon Smith 405585, Cuauhtèmoc Moreno 435927, Edward W Avila 396038, Niki Hill 368773, Leon Barton 607168, Heath Miller 568738, Malignoo . 415263, Nic Perry 392822, Marco Di Paolantonio 1000864, Daniel Douglas 578414, Spynarcle The Silver Elk 615201, Christian Mahler 584733, Kaleb Barker 554347, Sarah Lees-miller 599182, Kait Beck 594460, Simon Palmberg 588062, Ah Bee 596065, Ian Meekham 392774, Kimball Marsden 392854, Mari Norddahl 476066


May : Our Earth

Emma Patchett 424781, Matthew Brackney 516039, Nyorozo Igujima 403939, Erika Giroux 445576, Natalia Cowan 548051, Sarah Elgadhra 567144, Leonella Akong 600742, Yul B Karel 439186, Julio Rodriguez 520852, Luke Harbinson 376780, Betty Yuen 568721, Zakk Taylor 459977, Caetano Biasi 496761, Evolution Evolución 423170, Lou Owen 495143, Amar Pradeep 546426, Leidy Burbano 547958, Erik 616807, Ellen de Waal 1001209, Victor Cairel 522436, Francesco Mondelli 560877, Gianna Li 565581, Evgin Serbest 477586, Joe Walker 463129, Daniel Hill 407207, Rodion Herrera 549649, John Carlo 466391, Zuzana Bohrerova 474487, Kirsten Humphrey 507993, Laura Bogza 431242, Mirza Berbic 440755, Louella Pinnock 416838, Sasha Fitzgerald 624830, James Martin 399252, Leao Tildsley 418451, Nolan Segrest 536764, David Vieira 552772, Rachael Mclachlan 636001, Marc-Antoine Dubé 573562, Nichole Swarts 621634, Kuapt Oobligooch 421604, Janos Ruf 427929, Inês Gonçalves 1000265, Lyloo Melon 557646, Marcelo 1001616, Megan Callaway 464746, Alex Cornes 445572, Valentin VANDENBUSSCHE 474363, Sivhouy Dawson 583206, Yotam Praag 466477, Nikki Bandy 381582, Andrew Rayner 552880, Mark Stewart 541616, Joeey Salutres 458377, Hanan K 532029, Kyle Pugh 442401, Tania Pouli 547933, Edgaras Anisimenko 383227, Steven McSwan 535263, Leszek Pietrzak 543130, Nick Touchette 539971, Herlina Veronica 424870, Heather Zephrah 572061, Anna Hietanen 549537, Joanne McInerney 619998, Julie Payne 412069, Jack Webber 421600, James Marchetti 472836, Jessica Lewis 541673, Eric Wong 476088, Fadjri Moh 503160, Diana Johnson 416839, Jason Teo 579998, Jennifer Taylor 485555, Kate D'Ore 442318, Sofia Lemos da Costa 370378, Adam Bunim 431265, Cathy Guijt 506369, N. E. S. 581533, Ian Nascimento 525525, Joe Burlaczenko 539950, Ron Nomil 554382, Dhwani D 543156, Madeline Tong 476075, Julie Roberts 592864, Maria Peckey 421631, Jeff Fisher 549682, James Lard 556083, Bethany Brown 418444, Sara Hubert 418375, Bill Pullan 359212, Beth Larson 447154, Mariella marisse Sunico 418410, A K Weatherbee 527169, Ashim D'Silva 423194, Katy Moynihan 389567, Elise Forer 452026, Pooja Saxena 418374, Valentin Georgescu 439130, João Neves 435980, Ben Rothnie 496842, Fleur Montes de Oca 619952, Bethany Younkers 450467, Allanah McCormack 461576, Sabra Awlad Issa 567167, Sasvari Tamas 402431, Mark Watkinson 482428, Vass Robert 563987, Kit Lee 373626, Kelly McGeachie 600741, Jeran Halfpap 429613, Przemek W 460059, Kathryn Backman 540077, John Carbon 421548, Katie Waye 536734, Ammorette West 389648, Alex Paton 386380, Adam Rohrer 403941, Teresa Rodger 527131, Thomas Hilado 429632, Max Cheng 434446, Roberto Ruiz 567214, Nathan Kearns 437588, Tom Leeman 501651, Ross Kelley 455131, Dale Pennington 539931, Margaret Welsh 423201, Paige Nealer 396052, Gem H 432737, Abir 575157, Von Caberte 557559, Andrew Gilmore 397546, Brad MacNeill 435944, Sami Fye 411948, Steve Yeomans 596066, Joe Barone 562404, Thomas Vogt 445522, Jeff Rockafellow 431232, Milos Zivkovic 555987, Peter Nevai 415186, Joshua Wyatt 562394, Aaron Arce 583129, Erika Lehner 536759, Cory Banta 573635, Alex Coburn 549611, Kristy Gammell 522349, Dale Henderson 562397, Steve Cornes 552843, Matias Traberg 479240, Michael Bouhs 447236


June : Cats and Dogs

FARCAS CRISTI 434427, Bianca Wulff 450383, Chris Williams 557525, Abbie Franchette Mallari 607177, Cheryl Hylin 591139, Claudia Catalano 572039, Beth 1000916, Jamie H. 434473, Annie Dog 631209, David Born 554396, Christin Budziszewski 375167, Lisa Zvanovec 565565, darkdoomerchu kayanamasha 1000286, Kovács Veró 602456, Gray Malkin 413607, Deborah Spitaels 594388, Nicky Hicks 626369, Paula Moreno 587971, Elizabeth Atkins 1001772, Margaret Parr 571953, Magda Eddy 530475, Mallory Parker 522354, Dejime Sarim 618420, F. Khan 1000036, Kait Copenspire 626437, Rosie Pennells 562360, Zoe Montgomery 397624, Joanna Huebert 525518, Edward Tsang 573523, Rebecca Oxford 594451, Kelly Grahn 381606, Kay Rees 543175, Jojo Popt Art 383234, TomofForks N/A 580028, Kristen Huff 410452, María Paolo 607194, Cindy Jackson 544882, Rachelle Wannamaker 370365, Brittany T 437674, E. Crowder 623226, Keith Slattery 600787, Larissa Daigle 428026, Rain Howey 434478, Edit Gosztola "KekPafrany" 431277, Angharad Davis 540039, Celia Richardson 479279, Diana Pelova 578357, Ellen Dekker 426339, Sandra Hodann 584854, Toni Rubini 419941, Manuela Di Francesco 450371, Liz Clement 555972, Weavara Kyre 538321, Karli Eccleston 546374, Omega Delta 482315, Michelle Robinson 450368, Ashley (katanimate) 570373, Jade Comito 623227, Chad Wasser 543119, Elena Krasnyanskaya 405589, Yvonne Van de Weetering 428019, Hayley Linnington 491964, Jason Brown 583158, Jake Fry 466365, Nori Retherford 420016, Sammie Rivers 399235, Emily Johnson 570394, Nick Walls 621645, Katrina De Dios 476045, Iris Garcia 397551, Brent Bublitz 562357, Simon Legrand 480813, Ana Luiza Sousa 386364, Flor Stermann 367224, Nikki Carpenter 591175, Ariane Lassiter 456858, Sunila Sen Gupta 507948, Erin Albano 483925, Allison Abraham 1000590, Rachael P. 461657, Clinics Clinicofsound 604037, Ricardo Nunez 448773, Villanuava 564048, Beverly Johnson 629590, Drew Clark 407146, Chris Reed 400829, Helen Grainge 464804, ruth roberts 1001038, Montana Cull 578359, Laura Graham 551190, Rysa Art 501513, Tanya W. 435964, Leah Richards 557579, Michelle R 509552, Kim Grimes 552762, C. Smith 488769, Illiya Adesiv 540045, Laura Parker 418456, Sandra Mota 367198, Susanne Kasurinen 548025, Katherine McGlaughlin 469658, Laura Francescutti 531952, Hinata Hyuuga 563938, Eve Greenwood 503276, Steve Topham 624758, Eva Pert 437678, Samantha Arno 1001806, Vaidile Lietuvaite 639212, Liz Joyce 477537, Kevin Heal 571995, Laurenzo Simberg 495118, Leanne Robinson 426400, Gilly The Cat 439147, Tomaz Music 437676, Beverly Johnson 629590, Rebecca Melanson 581550, Aimee Steeley 570457, Bonnie Baker 383186, Allison Frey 429563, Guinevere Palmer 544851, Raven Catz 490458, Missshhh 1001359, Sarah Black 479144, Jessica Heverin 503151, Brianna Cavazos 514351, Alethea Lim 383251, Katie Tettip 364001, Sirikanya Buranabunpot 604011, Tia Semer 570453, Cara Stern 408769, Kelly Denoncour 594404, Caz Mcrobie 594431, Thalia Kamarga 466354, Rachel Lee 388032, Paulina Narewska 498364, Amy Meszko 426355, Megan Davies 626411, Hilary Holt 512744, Katrijn Michiels 461581, Michael George 568752, Alice Cullen 632791, Rachel Miranda 403988, Marc Shu 551192, Bartlomiej 1000674, Jenny Wolf 523926, Natalie Garza 562396, Jan Patterson 464771, Kristy McCann 570362, Eric "Kuba" Ash 463271, Sofia Eliasson 528751


July : Heat

kelli 1001482, Christina R 498314, gaeaeternus 1000275, Dj Daniel 439166, Rose Rivera 451944, DDSS Kendrick 559197, Ignus Kritzinger 568845, Jessica Hepler 476028, Nostalgicc Views 451992, Darien Williams 568742, Marie Larsson 426353, Zach Harmon 490468, Richard Wade 549520, Lizzie Aranas 447216, Riel Carmen 607214, Shay Leigh 559125, Stephanie Gauer 368796, Juan Pablo Buritica 562392, Janey Monroe 453541, Erika Hagarty 565597, Katie Shamanina 429636, Jackie Mwandia 1001100, Ana K 557642, Craig Sommerville 493541, Phoenix Enigma 583202, Hanne Fagerlund 581626, Patrick Reilly 546459, Collart Marie 541662, Maurizio Masieri 1000938, Carl Bolthouse 618415, Katherine Wang 501645, Kelsey Connors 596048, Laura Deale 540046, Jeffy Can 371998, Robin J. 536820, Jon Hansen 556067, Nexus AYeks 474316, Sarah Popkin 443952, Erik Noe Gonzalez Avalos 447179, Elizabeth Black 490361, Lewis Llewellyn 588032, Patrick Bürgin 477559, Protothor . 491946, Elliot Schultz 405645, Nancy Moreman 477656, Jackie Mwandia 1001100, Hanani Fazlur Rahman 423227, Uicz Márti 1001410, Joy John 588070, Michael Gasiorek 573665, Bryce Lee 501669, Kate Smith 418465, Michelle Wallace 602400, Winona Tong 605574, maha 1001491, Lilla Samu 448757, Stephanie Gauer 368796, Silbia Peechakara 597614, Rich Buck 477609, Courtney Adlin 407253, Jeffy Can 371998, Armand Koekemoer 570448, Alex Zhou 557575, Jesse Seidel 426426, Emily Quintero 511133, No name McGee 487144, Milk Fat 634401, Natacha Lima 503155, Riekkie R 419974, Silje Kleven 594407, Joanne Ch'ng 477652, Jonathan Kane 551167, Jade Scott 559190, Ariadna Miranda 410412, Amber Mason 437620, Joel Foong 493554, Hoarzd 1001011, Cindy Wilson 396014, gaeaeternus 1000275, Szebenyi David 471149, Max Thistlewhorp 474460, Garry Wakefield 595950, Samantha Smith 405592, Megan Laws 453641, Jeanette Jenkins 436052, Justin Zoll 427992, Riley Starnes 421602, Elaris Cortharis 554473, cinzia 1000714, Laura Ewens 506468, Nadine Reilly 594432, Nikita Mulkey 416773, S S 586459, Sherida Parker 1001400, Yannick Manuhutu 563983, Portocalitza Popandau 391182, Maria Maravilla juarez 421599, Josh Gallo 440727, Mandy Lim 607142, Kristine Zipfel 522342, Rosie Ruzicka 594367, Isaac Wirtz 485655, Terri Ho 552736, Sierra Burke 480874, Asma Rahman 567147, Dunkboar El Magnificente 597545, Siim Sokk 546449, Kay Dyson 394362, alex 1000901, Dipak Chand 525548, Callie Segotta 512752, Ariel Smith 367196, Amy Cheyne 522352, Aaron Bradford 1000114, Sammy Trask 519281, David Chiasson 508059, Baba 49 452041, Bug Bug 487271, Helena - 445521, Amanda Schwan 368788, Pauline Pitcher 525654, Hannah Earley 546359, Odin Lemus 541618, Nick Bryant 586452, Jeff Bensch 426414, Amy Cheyne 549560, J 1000492, Krissy Murray 554348, Raine Blunk 394366, Benjamin Schmid 428031, Jay Patel 431224, Inwë Anwamanë 515940, Helena Kitz 426418, Bastian Brinker 485571, iceghost 1000593, JO Sparrow 456771, Amelia Baxter 477660, Michal Zioom=] 610441, Carrie Lyons 482456, Yoonus Moosa Didi 464854, Danny Morrison 552735, Antonija Novokmet 532087, Tom Long 591153, Caleb Moore 452018, R G 546352, ALex Marinica 581642, Megan Ball 573576, Filip Peraic 427969, Tudor Patrascu 607171, cinzia 1000714


August : Something to Say

Barton Ching 602401, liamgb 1000144, Alex Remnick 579934, Laura Ryton-Benson 479260, Hannah Holland 407142, Ofelia Sta. Maria 591207, Sadid Elbadawi 410443, Jolien Hermans 589556, Terry Streetman 421537, Francesco Mondelli 560877, Stephanie Jones 613590, Tom Clarke 599238, Amanda Snellink 576741, Michelle Tanner 594452, Caitlin Wilson 402356, Jenni Locke 472839, Sara Corradi 586461, Jeanette Kauffmann 371969, Kyle Pitzen 400798, Becca F. 1001360, Stephen Cross 437541, Sato Kokoro 488727, Patrick Kavanagh 635980, Lillianne Doucet 476086, Goran Iliev 487247, Stephish LikesFish 599183, Larry Capra 450477, Chris Paul 624755, Lindsay Rieth 418433, Jonathan Carter 381597, Oonagh Mcquarrie 565610, Claire Neilson 509530, Wyatt Vandeberg 442350, George Penman 416869, Klissa 666 618438, Ileana Oprea 575185, Claudia Silva 564070, Ruth Ingall 572023, Anwar Ratag 575171, Mary Larzelere 418391, Erin Schroeder 589599, Annie Harala 432877, Natasha Guimond 435986, CINDI LOFTUS 565678, Marija Liutkute 611957, Hannah Trunck 464770, Christy Wiseman 608749, Leks Drakos 632806, Alana Robot 400839, Alley Hulslander 554363, Brianne C. 515911, Gen B 440802, Danielle Withers 586332, Emily Soo 1001155, Matthew Gray 469523, Raffaele Romano 1000669, Derek Lee 402335, Tim O'Doul 400845, Jamin Galea 605625, Amy Knop-Narbutis 560792, Caitlin Pell 567148, Rogelio "Crimson" Gomez 602402, Christina A 397578, Chelsea Francis 397547, Chloe Rennie 459956, Kiran Pillay 554370, Kevin Cunningham 415243, Kate Wolfe 399248, Jeannie DeLeone 583269, Paul Humphries 549667, T C 567125, Bharat Kunwar 576872, Natasha Pichette 413566, Lara Dominik 482489, Jason Jones 1000287, Joris Ruys 520746, Tiara Shafiq 568800, = CHILL 589551, Peter McClelland 586429, Antonio Martinez 539920, Jordan Ling 403934, Mike Cornell 568830, Fang Kitty 420003, Conti Simone 607258, Tyler Mathison 475918, Badre Bally 423189, Koralee B 376759, Megan Couto 576798, Sami Jones 389639, Janna LaPenter 485562, Tim Wilson 427924, Sofia Castillon 436013, Denise Dobranchin 1001443, Greta Perotti 383188, Kat Bashaw 612029, Chris Scales 466471, Karolina Dejnicka 594417, José Maldonado 456760, Sara DasteRoad 619981, Zharina Anne Pajarillo 1001322, Colin Forrester 413614, Ajay Jayakumar 592869, Ema Salim 599264, Daniel Tyler 597653, Ashley Hernandez 395977, Eli Joseph 572034, Jennifer Rimaz 603948, Derren Lee 539915, N Past 592757, Katie Allammm 395995, Joram Van Hartingsveldt 610358, Taiin Sukonku 416742, Cindy 1000050, Paris Whistler 432843, Nathan Friedman 560863, Josh Hill 562464, C Credo 408846, Sergio Abreu 402350, T Button 615148, Xenai Xenai 564074, Shan Iglesia 573601, Tiffany 1001726, Jessica 1001119, Cat Allen 583260, Gerli Viikmaa 495173, Laurence Trachez 439124, Andreea Ursu 554355, Eric Tang 403999, Charli Parachinni 597550, Marley Barron 584760, Meagan Miller 554324, Sasha Itterman 461521, Ryan Miles 600839, Gemma Lipscomb 597541, Parita Shah 632824, Mollie Hinman 555932, Veronica Evans 628013, Lisa McGlaun 1000683, Chantall Alberts 557574, Kathy Zinn 567131, Athena Hutchinson 597664, Stefanie Kammer 592794, Ryan Skelly 362386, Johnny Hero 496727, Eren Arik 471122, Mauricio Alvarez 552769, Dale Pennington 539931, Sara Boscolo Moretto 1000893, Amy Powell 399251, Robert Simpson 567277


September : Portraits

Brianna J. Barker 562439, Katrina Quigley 428038, Pip Hignett 495215, Hannah Hughes 1000499, Saph 1001813, Harold Lozada 432771, Claire Jenkinson 387955, Siew Eng Lim 373632, J Wilson 413652, David L 568850, Lillian Anderson 376791, Jasmine Marosvary 516021, Richard Higham 592835, tiejiaxiaobao 1000371, Maressa Setbacken 428066, Danielle Gavino 599171, Rysa Art 640802, Olivier Nerot 443922, Marco Lago 564028, Carly Sanker 517517, Onur Kutluoglu 557566, Claudia Jordán L 429668, Nina Dalsegg 421570, Turtle Turtle 506315, Margaux 1000827, Sarah Good 504855, Alyssa Baker 429598, Mari Sjursen 611965, Harmke Van der Laan 370408, Nadia Mishchanka 546480, Lynn Heinbach 600782, Nicola 1000695, Nick Nick 528716, Charlotta I. Rasmussen 1000611, Sasa-chan 1001136, carlo deperu 1000872, phil 1001194, SprayPaintYeti Its Dustin Gore 610432, shahtoosh 1001190, Genn 383183, M. A. Hallmark 376834, Elisa Saragò 1001367, chyme 1001273, emi 1001554, Yael R 632822, Christina 1000546, Margaret Rountree 432816, Milan Stojanov 1001409, Iselin Lystad 480726, Jonathan Battaglia 482479, Sonya Mon 594346, Morgue Dunbar 472765, Cagla Ozbek 370406, Bicente Jones 386401, Fiona Li 402383, Martin Cunliffe 387969, Amy Bonn 503271, Papier Blanc 429545, Johann Dunn 1000503, Will Hickmott 434358, J A 445559, Andre Verhelst 381592, Aaron Ashley 469518, Tena Sedlacek 608858, Ryan Leitao 623236, Emily Amphlett 439250, Anabela Faria 383172, Sarah Bruckler 469534, Margaret Johnson 1000982, Melanie Atwater 378414, Katrina 405558, Lagim 1001790, Kimmo T 498316, Atticus Lazenby 634403, aafke 1000450, Annicka Miles 452079, Graham Wimbrow 1000672, James Toledo 416857, October . 389570, Christy Mustari 592825, Amanda Boucher 419954, Emily Kane 584759, Anna Tolle 431160, Steve Halpin 471119, Maria Lioemna 557522, andrew french 1000581, Addie H 412052, Tracey Pearce 508042, Mahima Rao 431141, Cody Aka ponygon 432804, Elizabeth 1001397, Lien Jang 434345, Katsuryi 391147, Rachel Boyes 370403, Francesco Amadio 626364, Morgan Ashton 496721, Olivia Doyle 600792, Laura Piteira 370410, Melinda C. 1000948, Kyle Reynolds 1001590, Karolina Wegrzyn 549579, grapheine 1000785, Michaela Michaela 557554, Ryan Rudder 408764, Chelsea Jin 442338, Sarah Mcneal 389565, Shannon McLean 418395, Aissa Domingo 405546, Karinna Deller 464851, Marta Szymanowska 437534, Colin Finch 512810, Sammantha Ford 567128, Abby Pell 612048, Arnaud Jaccoud 495277, Giovanni Robustelli 1000940, Sam Cook 458471, Patricia Herbert 523940, Chrissie L 496730, Bryan paul Ramos 592834, Ida Tomines 423172, Wansu Jin 405613, David Tapia 423253, Candy Hoar 572070, Grim Ford 547941, Adry Suicide 455125, Josh Hansen 549670, Layla 551116, Susanna Vablatsky 575224, Alfredo Rocha 626419, Tom Joyce 463140, Laura Jantunen 388006, V Cheng 459952, Harvey Bunda 400755, Nasya S. L. 452075, Michele Salvador 530340, Hallie Stiller 554361, Tanja Zamani 496715, Danila Shorokh 498338, Hmila Wang 519284, Valente Davide 1000883, Doorgesh Mungur 592747, Tina N. 461676, Peno Mishoyan 407201, Sofia Eliasson 528751, Angela Finney 1000466, Ellen de Waal 1001203, Zef Moerloos 384847, Maria De Gier 512840, Kesav V 458350, Rysa Art 501513


October : Fantasy

Joseph Schell 621607, Tara Yildirim 477536, Sarah Millman 578457, Jo Tanser 604005, Melissa Stocker 603994, Elizabeth Jonas 557638, Marcus Hislop 604018, Joanie Rich 459969, Lucia Trifan 392748, Liz 1000863, Marcello Framba 363990, Stephanie Richard 626374, Thorbjørn Hansen 426337, Dave Rijo 453652, Miguel Angel Morales Martin 621618, Jani Lehtola 600802, Serena Good 533623, Violeta Bulajic 591237, Hunter Jenkins 392844, Lorna Francis 412053, Aujan Rattley 431200, Lindsey Marinello 591148, Kaat Rutten 607238, Claudia Schmidt 435961, Mikko "angrymikko" Eerola 378371, Sandy K 570445, Lee Wei Yang 579990, Jessica Erichsen 572042, Jill Boese 1000284, Sarah Franke 607197, Vindhya Buthpitiya 482463, Khym Nga 483943, Alicia J. 567253, Debbie Kaplan 503243, Benwit Li 535131, Day Mizuhara 584754, Christian Schirmer 627974, Paul Grant 482462, Justin Dale 594437, Nei Ruffino 415203, E Turnage 520879, Izaki One 362376, Alexa A 576752, Michelle Castaneda 415145, Scott Cruddas 611955, Arkaya S 461568, Tyler Gillan 391244, Gerard Torbitt 495188, Kevin Swarner 629618, Grant Mackay 474372, Phillip Lockwood 419963, Dave Sharps 431245, Matlantik Highs 464754, Aleksander Rymarowicz 399188, Clayton C. DeYapp 378443, Alyssa Johnson 426330, Brent Crockett 610429, Shannon Dorn 539939, Adam Daly 439244, Abraham D. Bones 579963, Sara Alves 600747, Gilad Reisfeld 576759, Joko Arif rusman 447256, Enrique Guzmán 525516, Jocelyn Scears 476069, Erika W 597584, ? ? 531932, Julia Ellis 1000559, Donald Crneck 1000935, Neil Williams 461634, Amber Shoemaker 631220, Ben Roberts 618366, Dennis Osborn 579970, Zack Coulter 595963, Nina Dalsegg 421570, Lana X 556048, Chloe Van Leeuwen 378390, Jafaris Mustafa 637618, Vahur Vogt 579999, Amanda Connors 594345, - Farlander 560830, Maggie C 511116, Beth Dobbs 567173, Toni Erne 495121, Patrick Jones 397587, Steven Reece 624773, Jo Askey 1000043, Caroline Jamhour 624784, alvarO 1001637, Filipa Silva 429564, Anne Wiesen 538338, Ashleigh Gurney 1000778, Sammy Wu 432845, Kenny Rice 1000395, tonick 1001788, Abilene Leach 436057, Rah Rah 364006, Marshall Ferguson 567154, Kira Cerniga 615233, Regine Skelton 610365, Drew Clark 407146, Jason GolrillaSushi 426467, Jonathan Wojcik 600853, Luc Ouellet 428004, Marissa Provost 363996, Michel Kroesen 586378, Nathan Richards 543154, Gracie Rafferty 523968, Julie christie De jesus 599192, Brianna Scott 584751, Miles Barron 535137, Jaron Saturnino 1001321, Sarah Withers 431205, Huang Fu 530341, Kaci Waggoner 426422, Alex Wolfe 367223, Wouter Gelens 379965, Jerry Low 434357, Brittany T 437674, Araceli Yanez 375204, Nicholas Richard 387963, Mark Oesau 399187, Katie Stubbins 604019, Cassie Chavez 555971, Mickael Rivard 370417, Emma Hicks 546360, Galinda Upland 370376, Praminda Caleb-Solly 365607, Spencer Hotz 1000422, Mary Luong 552834, Tina Robbins 443948, Nicolás Svart 620045, Pup Chomper 589542, Ondrej Dufek 415253, Kirstie Mok 440790, Bill Harkins 383169, Doggy bag 544727, Hamish Dunlop 1000047, Myrna G 605539, Sarah E 613633, Vettu Vuori 419968, Mike Etoll 1001352, Zeke Ádám 634383, Melissa Tillery 395952, Ognjen Bozovic 600798, Amanda Press 360809, Tom Brennan 551173, Robert Johnson 589636, Keith Herbert 419973, Ian Krippner 410428


November : Black and White

Pat Hughes 418364, Jessica Jonsson 587968, Sabi M 615235, Phil Tapkoff 426405, Rosana Anguiano 389608, Sophie Powell 493557, Nils Kjellman 439226, Nick King 551125, Timo Jääskeläinen 615195, Milkshake Loves tree 583170, Marcel 1001566, Jaleh Afshar 543253, Phil Cartwright 565627, Dani'el Van den Berg 459954, Benjamin Arthur 424777, Aaron. E. 432750, Alex Kenny 554373, Laing Duncan 575254, Christine Lin 418370, Balazs Ari 583261, Per Johnsen 543230, ivana 1000782, Ashley B 586407, Anna "ED" P 412065, neonpox 1001485, Andi Angel 605567, Cammy M 555921, Nicole Lennox 634394, Josh Grafton 573532, Jesse Hodson 587947, Andy Loghin 549562, Chris Stout 488768, Alexandra 429553, Jesse Bisset 600790, Ciro Giovenazzi 560787, Victoria Pemberton 551169, Change 1001575, Pablo Bizzotto 480722, Sydney Brisbone 586410, Rod Victa 386357, Sverre Holmsen 634399, Michael Menchaca 397659, Katya Miller 587977, Alice Cullen 632791, Rasha Al-Najjar 611964, Renee Ronzone 423149, Jacynta McLeod 419957, Emma Layton 634402, Gui Santos 543257, Paul Hill 485545, Juan Juan 423175, Samuel Wright 536856, Jessica Le 463205, Amber Chan 474476, Yazied Hasan 439227, John Stevens 586471, Sarah Cole 541552, Aitor Garcia 552730, K Smith 456775, Mau Ank 399255, Lorenzo Martinez 435925, Alli Whitt 541559, Fábio Pereira 443945, Hailey Sikstrom 434351, Clifton Copenhaver 565535, Ida Rustadstuen 434346, Alexa Pederson 463262, Pablo Linietsky 583146, Crystal Hofmann 418442, Tasha Johnson 584749, Ffion Marsden 543282, Benjamin Hargrave 543256, John Carew 392759, Kiki Tsang 642387, Ihni Andern 584752, Gábor Vajda 581636, Ian Mannion 424764, Brian Zick 546472, Laura Clark 375223, Michelle Lau 568765, Kate Johnson 539963, Tom Doggart 565532, Joe Steele 573571, Jean-Baptiste Chadelle 472857, Medusa Lemieux 428045, Catherine Fryett 640785, Mark Watkinson 482428, Alex Burchardt 535163, Julie Hall 429551, Kat Lau 451971, Jaime Lee 421525, Jessy2 Jessy2 395953, Ali Malik 605621, Jenna X 384800, Daniel Jyllikoski 415198, Tanja Varvio 498448, Balázs Bajorics 548069, Joanna Barrett-smith 554432, Skye Rush 488749, Mauricio Yamashita 482474, Falon Beasley 402449, Floris Van Roekel 395944, Omar Al Zo'bi 581654, Nick Erard 447132, Natasha Clark 512747, Laura Schrampfer 551118, Vic Vic 520865, Jamie R 418469, Rebecca Van Laeke 538374, Charles Chylinski 514352, Tanya Nagar 411945, Rune Kringelhede 461534, Michael Grover 563984, Arun Bharatula 556078, Irene Bressel 472758, Juan Passadore 562401, Nat Kempton 487159, Daniel Barham 524035, Sakura NL 525519, Justin Ong 464861, Valtteri Happonen 429616, Daniel Zunnun 461570, Su Ko 549634, Ka Yue, Phyllis Cheng 640820, Anton Shpigunov 560763, Tamas Szaszak 479127, Eedwin 592855, Lynn Clarke 487148, Ivett Korpás 424744, Jake Johnson 437649, Rachel Feight 397658, Tom O'Brien 1000268, Crystal Huneycutt 589594, Deanna 541685, Sin-Mae Chung 531942, Bard Sweeney 440865, Sai Aiaiaiaiai 576806, Han Jones 458479, Art Ramirez 520742, Francis Brown 429669, Pippa McGuinness 587976, Jack Dalziel 607152, Indie Young 600854, Frederico Amaral 559148, Jenn Woodall 589660, Anna Polonsky 1001195, Anna Hamrol 461680, Brandon Kress 376769, Piano Fish 415130, Gabor Drimus 528867


December : Festive

Rosie Han 520844, Brittany Vance 594418, Kt Rosario 522368, Crabalocker Fishwife 588004, L - 538366, Ruben Pires 597576, Sarah M. 483924, Rob Carney 488815, Brian Masson 500070, Carolyn M 400738, Jennifer Campeau 616814, P W 570425, Jessica Bertolacci 591188, Rosaguille Hay 544716, Katrina 1001641, Silje Kleven 594407, Oprea Sorin 411959, Xian Buggy 456790, Liz Morrison 629615, Scott Martin 405612, Leigh Way 463227, Laura Schrampfer 551118, Robyn Stillings 602403, Brittany Livengood 381635, Manda K 456729, Grace Barrameda 444055, Gracie Rafferty 523968, Kelly H. 1000368, Shawn Jones 487242, Elizabeth Clark 589628, Tyler Porter 434378, Ian Wetzel-Eden 557648, Dave Gibson 578374, Allan 1001368, Angela Mulberg 588030, Christina Krygier 1001324, Anni Liina Mets 493671, Elizabeth Stottlemyer 626431, Flammarion Vieira 471258, Karmen Lecter 576770, Elizabeth Climis 623193, Julia Sheldrake 564010, Nina Dalsegg 421570, Christian Somody 560854, Heather Marg 605600, J Sadler 538367, Shubnum Khan 575273, César Armando Valencia Missett 432759, ivana 1000764, flame 1001305, Brian Azevedo 547943, Sarah Neville 429560, Rachel Fong 634424, Linnea Johansson 516057, Siân Lepinski 498475, Tea Jandric 400790, geoff ewart 1001598, Deanna 541685, Minnie Chen 530443, Itzu Zuzu 416855, Am Y 392785, Georgia Papoulias 602388, Justin Calvert 421544, Asmaa Mohurji 576729, Joey Rose 608840, Mindy Walker 567170, Aerika Rae Si Jia Ng 463258, Merri Greenyham 584767, Loryn Hillis 514377, Karen Wong 420037, Clara Ferreira 563945, Emma Finney 536831, Claire Paterson 540049, Jolly Rancher 453662, Teresa Warren 1001506, Sherry 525657, Karen O'Brien 532020, Pilar Naturali 586346, Seija Mathiasen 455160, Ellice Calordra 624803, Hannah F 402443, Jon Holt 600863, Doddy Ali wijaya 570381, Suzy Shipman 484002, Paul Grant 482462, Mr Q 434451, Emma Houghton 600771, Kenny McKellar 488818, Stacy Kay 408753, Rosie Douglas 413598, Stephanie Ooi 532060, Vickie Chen 426365, Caitlind Twyford 448833, Dawn Holliday 400815, Zdenek Gromnica 428025, Sydney Birnbaum 613612, Wenjing Bao 483940, Dale Johnson 576815, Kashi Naoki 472763, Lindsey Rodgers 595990, Samantha Houghton 543273, Taylor D 413628, Terry Fay Maddren 437606, Ane Katarina Witt 460053, Nathan Dewey 541656, Erin Shadowind 533582, Emily Leung 562358, Mark Watkinson 482428, Jovana Gaspar 479277, Stuart Whyte 586367, Bonnie 1001652, Alexa A 576752, Denis Rontu 405631, Neko Chan 367233, Mandy Fannin 556029, Some One 568851, Sian Cleaver 565647, Alex Holt 557626, Jasmine Wongus 439243, Lauren R 501557, Ashton Martin 488873, Kamil Kascha 610415, Christopher Petch 568819, Jordan Quinn 605579, Kathleen (Call me Katy) Aretxabaleta 589585, Lindsay MacLean 520854, Lindsay Popek 578380, Katy Rewston 416750, Camilo Ruiz 509537, Alethea Nair 557628, Ela Chmielowski 588048, Bob Barlita 599261, Victoria Hall 517633, Serena [aka Agent Carolina] 424839, Nathanael McDaniel 440803, Frederikke Tu 571939, Jessica Winkowski 383215, Conor Woodcock 1000949, Natalie Bedell 415182, Farah Schüller 434377, Sari Viitanen 587970, Tania C 547985, Missy Lim 552777, Alexander Ronjean 618389, Sophina Bano 549624, Hannah Jackson 520763, Hailey Sikstrom 434351, Dani'el Van den Berg 459954, Nathalie Magnus 482359, Julie S 410440

Comments & Discussion

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
At first I was disappointed that I didn’t make the cut, but then I noticed that both my wife and my best friend made it in. That’s awesome. Congratulations to everyone that made it in this year.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Congratulations to all who made it in the calendar!!!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I made it on the Calender :D yay that is awesome. Congrats to everyone else that made it aswell :D

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
holy jeebus i made it, i wish i knew so i could have done a better job!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Wow my goodness. I am completely honored. My pic is kind of cheesy lol.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
YEAH! that's me on April! thanks!!! It's a great honor for me! I can't believe!!!! the OMM rules!!!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
YAY, I made it!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Oh my oh my.. Wish I had done a better one tho.. oh wells. Grats to me!! ^^

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Congrats to those who made it in the calender! I'm happy I made it in again! Thanks guys!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
hello i am in! :) & I am extra happy! LOL

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Wow, I'm really surprised and glad I made it in :D

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Cool! I'm very honored! Thanks!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Thank you. I'm glad mine is on the October month but shame I didn't get to finish the picture in time for it to be published. So for old time sakes it is now finished!! Added the flying horses in ^^ Hope you like it.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I made it into the calendar!!! :D

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Yay! I made it! Such an honor!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Today is like the best day of my LIFE! Yay for MARCH! sister comes HOME in March and the picture I made is of her!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm in the calendar. Congratulations to everyone!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Good job for everyone who was chosen. It looks like it will be a great calendar.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
i think mine stands out at being the worst on november... but anyway... i'm still pleased =)

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I'm quite surprised that one of my images made it. Mine's in December.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
YES! One of my pictures made it, it got a good spot too! =D

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
i can't believe i made the month with my best friends' birthday :)

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Wow this is so cool!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
cool i made it :)

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I cant believe I made it! Congrats to all!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Woah. My painting is there. That's awesome. Kind of unexpected too. It's like so... uh simple.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
wohoo..I'm in!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
cool....member just few days and i made it..couldnt believe it...shame that pic is not finish yet..but that ok...congrats everyone!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Wow, that's awesome! My picture in a calendar!! I'm totally honoured!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
hooray i made it! so happy... i waited for a year~

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
:( you guys picked my worst painting... im so embarresed.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Great selections! I particularly like July's montage, it just seems to radiate warmth. Well done calendar-people!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I was totally stunned to be included! Thank you! Even more so, when I discovered both my sons have been picked too! Is that some sort of record?!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I feel special today!!!Thanks for that!!I Love Art****************

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Awesome. :)

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Congratulations to everyone that made it in this year. And also thanks to the OMM admin team for the great work they do, guys was it not for you all then we would not have this much fun and made so much new friends.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Hurray! Thank you so much for selecting me, and thank you for this site in general! Congrats to everyone else as well! <3

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I can't believe I made it! Thanks a lot!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Wow, I was really pleased and surprised to find out I had made it in. Well done to everyone else who got selected and to those who didn't you are still an inspiration. Thanks to all behind the OMM for bringing so many people together and for getting me into art. :0)

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Neat. :] Glad I took part of this, too cool.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
That's incredible! I can't believe I made it, thank you!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
I was totally amazed to find an email telling me I was in the calendar... thanks very much and congrats to everyone else.

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
wow...can't believe I actually made it into the!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
Oh,wow. I never thought I'd be picked for this! What an honor!

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
My mom says the calendar is too expensive, with the artistic contribution and whatnot XP *still happy at publication*

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
omg how?! Seriously chuffed when I found out I'm in this :D

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
excited to have discovered that i'm on the calendar. Granted, there's many of us who are, but it's cool nonetheless

Tue 4th Dec, 2007
How unbelievably cool is that! Woo Hoo! I'm so excited. Congrats to all. This is the neatest project I've ever been involved in.

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
congrats to all that made it. and for those that did not there is always next year. some great art here.

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Awwe, I'm not in it! Cool pictures thogh. You picked a lot of random bad one?!d ones though.

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Woah, I made it? Now I wish I'd done a better job =P Congrats to everyone else who got in, and pats on the back to everyone who is in the OMM project!

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Congrats to all who made it in. Kind of dissapointed I didn't make it in again this year. Probably should have made a new picture.

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
THAT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!!! never thought i'd make it ... but still cool (thumbs up for all those others who made it!)

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Thanks so much for including my picture!! It was a nice surprise; I thought my square was worthless before and I feel much better now :)

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
really great work! Angelo

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Wow! I'm so surprised and pleased to have been selected. Ironic that for the 'love' month, it wasn't this icon, but another one of mine which was selected! :D

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
congrats to everyone who made it!

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
I'm totally surprised. I didn't expect to make it. Congrats to everyone else who made it as well.

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
oh neat wat a surprise.. thanks guys! btw way.. the heat one is pretty gooood

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Congratulations people! It's great to see so many of my favourite images in this. Will totally have to buy it when i'm not so incredibly broke, ha.

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
ou.. my pic here? oh good. i'm totally surprised. waaaaaaaaa. cool.. byeeee

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
It's so suprising to see my picture in the page of November=]! The theme "Black and White" is also the title of my picture!

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
WOW! I made the cut! I'd like forggoten about this but then I got the e-mail.... YEY! Congrats to the others who made it! :3

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Thank you for selecting my image for the calender...I'm so very honoured, My Congrats to all the others who have made the Calender as well <3 @-;--`,--;--`,--

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
I'm one of the flags =D Hooray!

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Oh my god! I can't believe I was chosen for the calendar...

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
I made it for February one of the hearts! Congratulations to all! Peace and Love.....

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
wow, it is nice...

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Okay so i didn't make it this year ^_^ I made it last year! woo lol

Wed 5th Dec, 2007
Woah, this is freaking awesome! Too bad i was planning on editing mine today...

Thu 6th Dec, 2007
yeaa!! i made it :D!! thats great...

Thu 6th Dec, 2007
"At first I was disappointed that I didn’t make the cut, but then I noticed that both my wife and my best friend made it in. That’s awesome. Congratulations to everyone that made it in this year." Are you kidding me? Your's is magnificent, and it looks like you worked really hard on it. I'm actually a little embarrased to be included in the calander, as I barely put any thought or effort into it. . . and it's unfinished. but i guess it's festive?

Thu 6th Dec, 2007
Cool,but I wont let the fame go to my head.MUCH.

Fri 7th Dec, 2007
Wow you chose my little candle! :) Thank you :)

Fri 7th Dec, 2007
It would've been cool if you had done a flowery theme for April. And I'm not saying that just because mine is a flower, haha.

Fri 7th Dec, 2007
Thank you for adding me. Made my day. And congratulations to all that made it to the Calendar as well. I can't wait to have it .. I luv July most :D

Fri 7th Dec, 2007
My two pictures are in :-D

Fri 7th Dec, 2007
Woo! Didn't think I'd make it! *laughs* Wait 'til I tell my hubby, he's in the picture! Oh, his head's gonna explode. X3

Fri 7th Dec, 2007
Aww, my first picture and it was hand chosen! I didn't expect this at all. But it makes me happy inside. I might just buy a calendar after all. ^__^ Congratulations to the hundreds!

Sat 8th Dec, 2007
WOW---I have not one but two images that have been selected for the calendar...what an honor!!! I am stunned and humbled...Thank you.

Sat 8th Dec, 2007
Oh. My. God. Are you serious? I mean, I can't believe it. I thank you so much!! I didn't think that I would actually got in!

Sat 8th Dec, 2007
thanks to OMM,I'd make it for this year... i have 4 images in it...can't believe it... one of the image is new creates on OMM also include in theme for September...thanks so much...

Sat 8th Dec, 2007
i laughed my head off when they told me i made it =D okay, on the one hand i am really happy and feel honoured somehow, but on the other hand... i's just that there are many who would have deserved it more than me...

Sat 8th Dec, 2007
oh and i forgot to say: congrats to everyone else who made it, the calendar is really nice and i saw so many fantastic pics! thumbs up

Sat 8th Dec, 2007
oh WOW! Both of my pictures are in it, February and August! This is so cute, it really makes me happy! Especially as today is really wet and miserable. Thnaks guys, this really made me smile! =)

Sun 9th Dec, 2007
OMG!! never thought anything like this would happen. Really honoured. And my congrats to everyone else who made it.

Sun 9th Dec, 2007
I was looking aimlessly through my email and decided to check the calender, int he back of my head I thought well maybe mine is here. I searched through Jan, Feb. March, Apr, May, June, JUly, August, Sept, October, Nov and finally December! I couldnt find it - as I was closing it with a bit of dissapointment my name caught my eye in December! I didnt even recognise my own pic! But I felt so happy, all that searching just made it more worth the wait! I'm not sure how my waterfall is festive but Im so happy! Congratulations to All!!

Sun 9th Dec, 2007
I'm in September!

Tue 11th Dec, 2007
WooHoo! what a great surprise - my pic made it onto the November page. Thank you whoever made this happen.

Wed 12th Dec, 2007
Yeah, I wish I would have had my recent stuff posted sooner so that maybe I could have gotten in, but thats ok. To those who did; A lot of artists work really hard, but some never get the chance to be published in such a way, congrats. Peace out

Mon 17th Dec, 2007
Great job to everybody who made it into the Calendar! Shout out to all my April picked artists! <3

Tue 18th Dec, 2007
Oh my God! I can't believe I was chosen for the calendar...Congrats for the Great Surprise!!! My picture onto December page...wooo hoooo:)

Thu 27th Dec, 2007

Mon 31st Dec, 2007
i made it! =)

Wed 2nd Jan, 2008
what a nice surprise - sorry to those genuine artists who missed out - my picture is in my birthday month

Sat 5th Jan, 2008
I made it haha cool! This calendar looks so awesome I wish I could buy it T_T

Thu 10th Jan, 2008
What a nice surprise to find my picture in the Heat month :D I love the way the pictures have been assembled.

Thu 17th Jan, 2008
ummm am i too late to submit or will it go through for next yr???

Mon 18th Feb, 2008
WONDERFUL...i hope to be in one of this the future...many compliments to everybody...bye...

Sat 15th Mar, 2008
This Calendar is grat IDEA . COOL

Thu 3rd Apr, 2008
Haha, the picture right next to mine made it into April! How funny =P Congrats to everybody who made it!!

Tue 13th May, 2008
.....I' it? o.o wow... Awesome >3<

Wed 25th Jun, 2008
Wow, I made it in october! :D This is such a brilliant idea, Im ordering one of these calanders.

Fri 25th Jul, 2008
Though I am VERY flattered for not only being featured in the Official 2008 Calender, but ALSO last year's 2007 Calender, I wonder, is this normal?

Sat 23rd Aug, 2008
I wonder why i never left my comment on me saying thanks for hosting my image in march? lol anywho THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!! *still trying to remind parents to buy this*

Sun 12th Oct, 2008
yay so great i'm in it haha

Tue 25th Nov, 2008
LOl....I just now noticed I made the

Sun 28th Dec, 2008
Interesting, I was in the November 2007 calendar and am also in the June 2008 calender. I must be lucky XD

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