My linkskeoku.deviantart.comAbout Jake HillIm Jake; Im 18; I live in the suburbs of NJ, USA; Im no artist, but I love to draw.Contact InformationEmail: jacobzh@msn.comMore about Jake HillOccupation: studentInterests and Hobbies: drawing, music, home, NA... Artists: yagi tomoko, bladecham, harada, nanamiro, bluecube... Music: royksopp, wagon christ, flying lotus, stereolab, ooioo, enon... Movies: dream with the fishes, high art, me without you, the hours, jacobs ladder, candy... Books and Writers: kurt vonnegut, fitzgerald (great gatsby... Personal Quote: I wanna build a castle. It's too much of a hassle. -Stereolab My favourite pictures | View location within masterpiece Share this image on Facebook Add picture to my favourites Report to a moderator Swap position with this member Latest comments on this artwork:
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