My linksralindir.deviantart.comAbout Courtney WoodsThis is more about my picture, though I suppose something about me can be learnt from it. Thank you all for the lovely comments- I'm glad you can appreciate my little doodles. But please- enough with the I, Robot comments. Yes, I know it looks like them. The first few images of these creatures (I call them my angels), they were mere doodles, more experimenting with colour and how I could use it. After a while, though, I became aware of how alike the robots in that movie they were. So I went with it. They're not supposed to be the robots, but I am borrowing their appearance. They're just the easiest way for me to express the ideas, moods and messages that I would forget about partway through an image if I spent so much time trying to (in my perfectionist way) get drawings of humans in these same settings to look just right. So, yes, I realise that they look like robots. I'm glad you liked the movie. Both Mr Asimov and Mr Smith are fantastic. But please stop mentioning how alike the robots and my angels are. :) I hope you have a wonderful day. Courtney.Contact InformationEmail: jasmaana@hotmail.comMore about Courtney WoodsNone available.My favourite pictures
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