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Lex Cassar




Toronto, Canada




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About Lex Cassar

A true biography is one that pulls out all the stops, leaves nothing hidden and is in every opinion as neutral as can be. Therefore this is not a biography, but it's bastard son. The child in the attic known as an autobiography. Though it can never strive to be totally accepted as or become a true to fact biography, I will try my best. I was born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The date was June 29th 1982. I spent most of my childhood doing childhood things, strangely enough. I grew up through the berlin wall falling, transformers, the music, the politics, and all other events and culture that came with the 80's. After ten years in Ottawa, I moved to Brampton, Ontario, Canada. There I spent the last years of my grade schooling all the way to my last attempt at college. This was, oddly enough, another ten year segment of my life. Friends were made, in a great number, and strong bonds were developed. The change from a boy to a young man happened. Life lessons were learned through a good number of mistakes and an equal number of accomplishments. Family members as well as friends died, some of age, some of disease, and some of terrible circumstance. And through it all a greater, more detailed picture of the world and the rules of life began to form. Certain truths reared their ugly heads, but no matter the pain or sacrifice they were eventually accepted and understood. The last two years have been a true test to myself. I have had many great things happen to me. Some of these being the solidification of myself as a professional Actor. Another one of note is the knowledge of a truly healthy and balanced lifestyle. This has provided me with a greater energy then I have ever known. Yet there is also the villainous things one does. I have hurt one too many people then I would like. I have betrayed some trusts. I have wronged in a good many things, and though some have deserved it, a greater number did not. I am very much the hero, yet also my very own nemesis. It's the acceptance of these past actions and their lessons, both good and bad, that allows me to state one important point. "I regret none of it". For all these wrongs and rights have led me to how I live my life now. "And what of it?", one might ask. My answer would be simple. "I am not afraid." Not of death, not of life, not of responsibility, not of acceptance, not of capability, not of love and not of hate. For without fear, I have no more boundaries.

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Diversty Dawning

Let us become diverse within each others borders. Learning and living together to become global patriots.
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 8th Apr, 2007
Nice square! -Jason
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Tue 6th Feb, 2007
Powerful picture, lovely message and enjoyed reading your bio. Agree we are made up of all things which is why we must keep striving to be the best we can be.
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