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Artist Name

Keri Dodge




Levittown, United States




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About Keri Dodge

Hi! as you know my name is Keri and I'm a freshman fine arts major! I'm not so good at painting but I love to draw or paint on photoshop! I prefer cartooning, and I hope maybe to do character designs for animated movies, maybe even bring some love back to 2-D design. thats all for now!

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totally messy and .. ew.. im sorry lol ill clean it up soon!
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Latest comments on this artwork:

Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 28th Apr, 2007
Impressive! -Jason
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Tue 13th Feb, 2007
Fabulous picture and love that hair! Enjoyed your replay too!
Image 591196 Fernando Lamy
Sat 10th Feb, 2007
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Tue 12th Dec, 2006
Very cool! I loved watching the playback. I liked your 1st torso too!
Image 488792 Laura Dixon
Mon 11th Dec, 2006
Just fantastic. I like the fact she started naked then got clothed!
Image 472781 Draghici Daniel
Mon 11th Dec, 2006
Image 410408 Anonymous
Mon 11th Dec, 2006
Nicely done!
Image 520843 Edwin Galloway
Mon 11th Dec, 2006
very nice square!
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