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The One Million Masterpiece | Collaborations | The Big Collab

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AuthorThe Big Collab
Paul Fisher
Super Administrator

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Joined: 25.06.06

Posted on 08-11-2007 14:31
This forum has been created to help members of the Big Collab co-ordinate their efforts. Good luck guys!
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Laura Grace Rafferty

Posts: 49
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 08-11-2007 21:23
Thanks Paul! smiley I'll be transferring over the info from my bulletins to this forum - a big thanks for all your help in facilitating this collab effort smiley
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AuthorThe Big Collab Voting & Current Updates
Laura Grace Rafferty

Posts: 49
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 08-11-2007 21:52

The big collaboration is now underway! All participants: please see below for all the ideas that have been presented, add your own ideas, and vote on what you’d like to do. You can send anonymous votes to me in messages or vote directly on the forum itself. Here is the big collab as it is right now:


UPDATE! We now have four new members! Stacey, ivana, Faith, and Sarah! Welcome them <3

I think we’ll take this upcoming week to decide what to do, at the end of the week I’ll take the idea with the most votes and start to work on how we’ll accomplish it! During this week, if there are any latecomers, just post a comment that you’d like to join and we’ll add you to the big collab.

The week is almost up; on Sunday I'll be looking at the different ideas and seeing where the votes are - so please; if you haven't voted, do so soon!


Participants: vote on the ideas below for the project:

'' Landscape || votes: ''''''''''''''''

I think a landscape might be a nice choice we might all like to do.

If we want to do something like this, I can prep a reference photograph with tiles so we know what part we're doing and we can work on them all at once. I think it'll be great to see each person's style and way of painting shine in each square; nothing would have to be perfect, the overall end result would be pretty cool when viewed from far away.

If we did this, I can browse for stock and we can put it up to a vote as to which reference choice we use - Gracie Rafferty

Further ideas on Landscapes:

A single big tree where the season change from spring on one side to winter on the other.

we could choose a somewhat symbolic looking landscape snow rising above harsh snowy mountains or something :D

or the landscape that represents various typic places/landscapes of the world or just various

'' Attic Memories || votes: ''''

I thought that perhaps we might even consider an attic scene with each square having some nostalgic items from their attics....I also thought perhaps a many roomed open faced home...Peace...:D Jeanne

'' Ribbon Collab || votes: ''

howabout something long that flows from picture to picture. like those 'red ribbon' collaboration artworks, or Long Cat. this would represent unity, but give us freedom of subject.
- Jeran Halfpap

'' Make our Own Flag || votes: ''

maybe creating a flag that represents one world and unity. In regards to which flag should we use...well it would be a brand new one created by the collab peeps representing ONE WORLD :)

I was just thinking about the flag idea i came up with ....and i thought maybe we could put a piece of all the ideas within the could have a landscape and all the above blending in :)
- Michelle Scott

Here's Michelle's sketch:


'' Common lightsource || votes: ''

- Joe Montgomery

'' Big Family Portrait || votes: ''

Friends and family - paint our loved ones like a big family album maybe? Could still interconnect arms, hands,
- J West

'' Worldview || no votes currently

Shanna has come up with a sketch (post on her bulletin for feedback) ... here’s the sketch she presented in her bulletin:


comment feedback on her bulletin here:

'' Children Theme || no votes currently

I also think a landscape would be a good choice. Perhaps even something with children. Both are universal issues.
- Jeanne Krebbeks

'' Joining Hands || no votes currently

I thought of hands, What if everyone painted a hand. each hand over laping the next. all kinds diffrent colors, and kinds.I dont know what ya'll would think of that. but just and idea,. This way everyone keeps their indivdual self but making a bigger picture. sound a lil funny when you read about it but would look really cool. I was also thinking of haveing some of them joining hads and linking everyone to the center.
- Deanna

'' Big & Bold OMM || no votes currently

Well, why dont we have 'THE MILLION MASTERPIECE' written (the letters would help link each square and each person could decorate the areas outside the lettering how they want (in effect giving them artistic freedom and those worrying about 'messin up' wouldnt have to worry. The effect would be the large strong letters.
- Shubnum Khan

'' Globe || no votes currently

how about to draw a globe? and add something unique in each square :)
- shahtoosh

NOTE: You can change your vote at any time during our brainstorming time period to something else if an idea is presented later which you would prefer to do.

Also if you would like to sketch ideas, I've prepped a fullscale grid you can download here:

Edited by Laura Grace Rafferty on 15-11-2007 14:39
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AuthorWill we be ready? & Image Votes
Laura Grace Rafferty

Posts: 49
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 08-11-2007 22:24
Guys: I have a question... do you think that by the end of the week we'll be ready to start sketching and planning on an idea or do we want more time to decide what we'll be doing first? Let me know if you think a week is too soon!

Edited Post:

Image Votes
taking a page out of joanne's book, I've created a smaller thumbnail grid for viewing:
Here is her grid too:



The votes currently stand:

17 points - Landscape 10

12 points - Landscape 18
12 points - Landscape 14
9 points - Landscape 08
8 points - Landscape 17
6 points - Landscape 13
3 points - Landscape 01
2 points - Landscape 12
2 points - Landscape 19
1 point - Landscape 15

who has voted so far: Gracie, Daniel, Stacey D, Emily C, Angeli, Mark, Magnus, J West, Jeanne(1st and Second choices only), Jo, Nadia (1st choice only). Shanna, Beverly

How the points are tallied:

1. First choice will receive 3 points
2. Second choice will receive 2 points
3. Third choice will receive 1 point

List your top three images; I'll tally up the points and we'll have a clear winner hopefully.

If you'd like to change your vote, please either:

edit your post with the old votes and the new votes OR
make a new post with your new votes; leave the old post alone.

That way I can keep track of a running tally.


Edited by Laura Grace Rafferty on 18-11-2007 13:44
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Daniel Alekow

Posts: 14
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 08-11-2007 22:56
well I'm still all for the landscape, simply because I think this is something that would be noticable even if someone viewed the OMM quite zoomed out, and more than anything else it would express unity.
If we all drew little persons or tried to incorporate all of the above mentioned themes, then the big collab would not really stand out as such anymore, and a random visitor would still only perceive lots of little pictures that stand for themselves, rather than a big picture consisting of many individual pieces.
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Mark Watkinson

Posts: 35
Joined: 25.09.06

Posted on 08-11-2007 23:24
As one of the less experienced people in the Big Collab I personally would feel a landscape subject would be more forgiving to those of us who do not have vast experience at art. Also from a distance any single thing that goes through several squares has the immediate effect of binding those squares together when they are viewed. Something like a river running diagonally across the Big Collab would bind all the squares together or a wall or path could be be used to similar effect. I love all the ideas that people have put forward as subjects but with my limited skills I do not think that I could do some of those justice and that is why I am voting for the landscape. I feel that we should set a deadline for the decision and make it sooner rather than later to start work to keep the great momentum going that this project has gathered. Gracie can the admins set up a group email for you so that you can send out 1 email reminder to everyone to get voting for the main subject? Cheers Mark smiley
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab

Posts: 56
Joined: 29.11.06

Posted on 09-11-2007 00:03
I've voiced my opinions on the bulletin, I'd just like to say here that I'm really looking forward to seeing how this turns out. The best part of any collaborative effort is the various styles that are combined to create one image... for the less experienced: just remember that it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. smiley

I for one am looking forward to the differences in images once the work is completed.
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Laura Grace Rafferty

Posts: 49
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 09-11-2007 00:52
Guys! I'm almost done prepping some landscape sketches and images; look for them tonight! I'll be posting them soon. This might give us a better idea of what we can do with landscapes, since that seems to be the one we're all leaning towards. Loving the new forum - what do you guys think? smiley

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AuthorRE: Some Landscape Ideas: Preview Images
Laura Grace Rafferty

Posts: 49
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 09-11-2007 02:56
These are some preview images with a grid overlay; if we choose one of these, I can cut up the image into each individual square and send you a large version to look at. Note that we don't have to be precise with these; adding and changing things around with the help of your neighbors will be really fun, but it might assist us to start off the collaboration with a good idea of what the outcome will lean towards. Even if all the squares look very different in style; I tried to choose images with strong color themes so that the big picture will still shine through.

NOTE! All of these were found on stock exchange and are free to use; some require notification to the photographer, but I'll take care of that if we choose one.

I deleted the images; they were hogging bandwidth - check the links in my next post and refer to them by the number smiley That should work out better.

Edited by Laura Grace Rafferty on 12-11-2007 15:50
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Laura Grace Rafferty

Posts: 49
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 09-11-2007 11:37
seems like i can't show the images directly in the forum. I'll link them smiley
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
J West
Super Administrator

Posts: 78
Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 10-11-2007 10:21
Number 18 for me so far - I think a singular tree might mean a few getting blue sky only, which is bit of a shame. A changing seasonal forest might therefore be best p'raps? Gives all collab squares something to play with. Spring, could introduce wildlife, winter could have hints of Christmas etc.

And really, it's cool, cos artistic 'skill' isn't key here - it's the participating and producing a joint effort methinks. In my humble view.

FUN!!!! smiley

So no-one should worry, 'cos it's not a competition smiley

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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Super Administrator

Posts: 129
Joined: 05.12.06

Posted on 10-11-2007 16:00
I've noticed that many suggestions that come from a particular artist reflects their personal style - for instance what they've already done in their own piece.

While I was tempted to suggest that we draw a person (my favorite subject), I would like to suggest something from my own piece.

I think that change is important and it will keep us active within the collaboration. Why decide on a picture only to be locked into it because our neighbors depend on us? That means we're out of commission as far as our primary image goes.

My proposal:
We agree to an image (landscape, etc. are all fine) and the grid must be preserved so no matter what state anyone's image is in, it still fits in with the images next to it (at any stage of their development). Then change the interior of your square over time. If you have a piece of land, make a field mouse appear and fade out. Make a leaf appear on the ground. Change your area over time. Embed some fun things like "hi mom" or space monkeys. I think that in the end, we could perhaps talk to Paul about displaying our images together and at once - not in a static way, but on constant replay.

In other words: I think we should make our paint as thick as possible.
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab

Posts: 56
Joined: 29.11.06

Posted on 10-11-2007 19:47
That's a good idea; for those that waht to go that way I think it'd work great. I'm personally not about the layering, for me it's all about the finished image. I think that, in the end even though we're doing a collaborative effort, our squares should still represent our own unique styles. I think that the grid (much like the Pirate Code, smiley ) should be more of a guideline than a set rule- this is the basic idea. As long as it doesn't take from the image as a whole, a person should be free to do what they wish. If, say, the main image is a picture of a tree but someone gets a sky piece, they should be free to add whatever they want into it- or even make the sky green, or purple or something, if they want. As long as the basic structure of the main image is there it should be an open project.

Edited by Skaiifish on 10-11-2007 19:49
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Magnus Wittstrom

Posts: 8
Joined: 26.01.07

Posted on 10-11-2007 21:05
I would like to paint nr 18 as a seasonal picture, but I also like nr 5.
And is it only me or have more people had problems accessing this forum the last few days?

Edited by Magnus Wittstrom on 10-11-2007 21:18
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
J West
Super Administrator

Posts: 78
Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 10-11-2007 21:50
Agree with alterations and tweaks, fading in and out etc. As that is what seasons, time is all about - changes. And did mention in my choice of number 18, that we should add special 'individual' touches relating to whichever part you get.

This is said for respect for all and not meant as argumentative in anyway: But would hope that it comes across as a cohesive group, otherwise there is no point in a collaboration if it all looks completely different. Of course everyone is going to be unique, as we are all, um, unique. Each one has their own style anyways, so I don't think there is any fear of others having to paint/draw like someone else . . . smiley

I think if you want to put your own stamp on, fair enough. But if you want to be completely different, then perhaps I could respectively suggest that you do that on the many other personal squares we all have now. Surely the collab is to unify a group in some way.


ps. unfortunately I think the amount of pics are slowing this thread down a little. But it works - eventually . . .
And did notice a website offline notice the other night . . . oooooo smiley
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
J West
Super Administrator

Posts: 78
Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 10-11-2007 22:00
Thanks for all the pics for suggestions Gracie. Top job!

I think bods are eager to 'get' at it, perhaps we should just "go for it" and see what happens.

Teeny suggestion that we should/could/maybe have an Xmas deadline to have something in place . . .
which gives everyone plenty of time to lay down the foundations, plus tweak to their hearts content methinks?
Doesn't have to be the final article, just a complete first draft maybe.

But feel free to see me as the irksome squarer that I can be sometimes, and take a big pinch of salt with my posts. Honest smileysmiley

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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
J West
Super Administrator

Posts: 78
Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 10-11-2007 22:07
Yes, still meee. Sorry. Last one . . .

I might have got me numbers mixed up, I was looking at the pic and using the number below it. 18 might be the bare empty tree. UH OH. Didn't mean that one, I was looking at the lovely emerald green forest with plenty going on for everyone to get their mice/pens into.

So that would be 17 - it's official, I can't bloomin' count! smiley

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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Daniel Alekow

Posts: 14
Joined: 30.11.06

Posted on 11-11-2007 00:35
hm, well, I think we won't really find a picture in which every square will be absolutely busy. I really do think that we should always consider the whole picture of the collab, which is what a collaboration is all about in the end.
and I'm not sure if we will want to do such a forest image, because if we break it down it is mostly just twigs and leaves, and it will be difficult to really get those things aligned over the border of squares, and the overall image might not be too interesting.

personally I'd opt for 8, 10 or 14, I think those are interesting and there the majority of the squares would have plenty to do.

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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
Mark Watkinson

Posts: 35
Joined: 25.09.06

Posted on 11-11-2007 09:46
I think I would go for 14 or 5 for much the same reasons as Daniel has put above. I think in 14 there is one square with a bit of sky with not much in it but I am sure that a cloud could be added.

Cheers Mark
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AuthorRE: The Big Collab
J West
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Posts: 78
Joined: 17.07.06

Posted on 11-11-2007 12:20
Valid points . . . smiley

Wholeheartedly agree - just want something that "looks" like a collab and not just a group of individual different squares strung together as such.

I just worry about 'just' sky tis all, bit unfair where one gets loads to do, and someone else gets a square of blue . . . and second the fact that it's gonna be a tricky one to decide upon. But of course, whatever is decided I am more than happy to get on with. All in the name of fun right?

The only reason that I personally choose a forest is that as long as the borders add up to your neighbours, the style can be as complicated or as simple as they like in the main part. Sounds contradictory I know. From a distance as long as it looks like one image, and there is nothing glaringly different - it is a personal decision. Close up you can opt to play methinks. It gives it the added bonus of having 'enough' going on to start with, to then being able to add even more to it: a stuck kite, wildlife, a change in season, a kid stuck in a tree even, other flora, fairies, and more things I can't think of right now . . . Unlike sky, where you are limited somewhat to what one can add without it looking a bit odd.

Just my opinion. smiley

Peace smileysmiley
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