Million Masterpiece
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World Wonder

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Comments on this artwork:

Image 464771 Jan Patterson
Sat 5th Jan, 2008
I love watching how this was made =)
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sun 1st Apr, 2007
Great! -Jason
Image 463262 Alexa Pederson
Fri 16th Feb, 2007
i've always wanted to visit...egypt has facinated me since a young age...i'm glad its been imortalized here :)
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Mon 29th Jan, 2007
Love the picture - and that shooting star!
Image 520843 Edwin Galloway
Sat 13th Jan, 2007
Wonderful, yes, but very costly, and quite heavy. Also they stop time.

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My artwork gallery:

Image 14492World Wonder (default)
Last updated : Sat 13th Jan, 2007

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