Million Masterpiece
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just a very quick picture. might end up fixing it up more someday..might not
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Comments on this artwork:

Image 522392 Sharon Pascoe
Wed 2nd May, 2007
There are so many pictures in this picture that you have pictured - perfectly!
Image 533541 Jason Knight
Sat 7th Apr, 2007
This is a nice contribution to the project! -Jason
Image 557534 Jenna Kass
Wed 7th Feb, 2007
That's lovely and so, so lonely...
Image 442328 Stacey Dirickson
Wed 7th Feb, 2007
Wow. I love it..makes me think for some odd reason. o_O
Image 541566 Lesley Tooze
Fri 2nd Feb, 2007
It's a fabulous picture - love that balloon!
Image 437671 David Gauer
Sat 27th Jan, 2007
That's such a cool design! The background is hypnotic.
Image 583150 Elizabeth Hoskin
Fri 26th Jan, 2007
it reminds me of the song 99 red balloons. it really stands out
Image 451990 Mohammad Amroabadi
Thu 25th Jan, 2007
So many concepts live within
Image 389604 Aunty Mor
Thu 25th Jan, 2007
your picture is wonderful. Makes you wonder what happened to the person who owned the balloon. Nicely done
Image 397643 Laura Rose
Wed 24th Jan, 2007
Oh this is great, I love this!
Image 504857 Dragonfly
Wed 24th Jan, 2007 sad.. @_@ great job...
Image 375184 Lissa Karwoski
Wed 24th Jan, 2007
thats deep... i like!!
Image 538475 Rose Marshall
Tue 23rd Jan, 2007
oooh...Very conceptual...wicked!
Image 447250 Leen Kayyali
Wed 17th Jan, 2007
amazing... the red balloon said it all:)
Image 419974 Riekkie R
Tue 16th Jan, 2007
Great picture Alana!
Image 392770 Dustin Gore
Tue 16th Jan, 2007
awesome. thumbs up!
Image 468070 Delaney Owens
Sun 14th Jan, 2007
That is awesome.
Image 443973 Angeli Arndt
Mon 1st Jan, 2007
I love the mood. This is great work! I love your style
Image 579965 John E. Manglona Jr.
Wed 20th Dec, 2006
reminds me of that movie I watched in 2nd grade, The Red Balloon... the book too. lol. That was what...?... 1990. dang
Image 543250 Kelsey Burrows
Tue 28th Nov, 2006
nice, girl ;)

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Last updated : Wed 4th Oct, 2006

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